The Wholesale Nursery Stock Extravaganza Buying Event at Mike’s Plant Farm.
The date of this event is; June 30th, 2018. We start at 9:00 a.m and would like to wrap it up by 4:00 p.m.
Who is invited? You are!
This event is for all of our loyal subscribers, member and customers!
This event takes place at . . .
Mike’s Plant Farm
4850 North Ridge Road
Perry, Ohio 44081
Free! Tiller/Cultivator!
We are Giving Away a Brand New, Mantis 4 Cycle Tiller/Cultivator! You read that right, somebody is going home with this machine this Saturday!
This is our first ever Wholesale Nursery Stock Extravaganza and this is an opportunity for you to grab up lots of plants at deeply discounted wholesale prices. See the list below!
Many of these are finished plants that you can buy and re-sell immediately!
But let’s start with the small stuff.
Rooted Cuttings 95 cents each while they last!
These rooted cuttings were pulled from the propagation beds earlier this year and have been heeled in the sand in bunches so there will be no transplant shock when we pull these for you on the day of the sale. Just let us know which ones you want and pull them, wrap them in moist paper and bag them up for safe transport back to your place.
We have all kinds of rooted cuttings to choose from, 95 cents each! Pretty much everything that you see listed below in larger sizes we also have available in rooted cutting size. The minimum is 10 per variety. We really can’t pull and package less than 10 of any given variety.
These are the rooted cuttings that we have for 95 cents . . .
Lucy Rose of Sharon Hibiscus syriacus ‘Lucy’
Aphrodite Rose of Sharon, Hibiscus syriacus ‘Aphrodite’
Red Prince Weigela, Weigela florida ‘Red Prince’
Tango Weigela, Weigela florida ‘Tango’
Java Red Weigela, Weigela florida ‘Java Red’
Variegated Weigela, Weigela florida ‘Variegated’
All Summer Beauty Hydrangea, Hydrangea macrophylla ‘All Summer Beauty’
Shirobana Spirea, Spiraea japonica ‘Shirobana’
Little Princes Spirea, Spiraea japonica ‘Little Princess’
Allegheny Viburnum, Viburnum rhytidophylloides ‘Allegheny
Oak Leaf Hydrangea, Hydrangea quercifolia
Gold Finger Potentilla, Potentilla fruticosa ‘Gold Finger’
All of the Plants Listed Below are Loaded with Cuttings!
All most all of these plants, except the rooted cuttings, are loaded with cuttings that you can take and stick when you get home.
Liners in Quart Size Containers. $2.25 each!
These are nice size liners, I mean really big liners! And if you don’t know. A rooted cutting is exactly as it sounds, a cutting, pretty much a stick, with some leaves and roots on the bottom. A liner is a rooted cutting that has been grown out for one growing season. It is starting to branch out and has a much heavier root system than a rooted cutting.
These are the quarts that we have available for $2.25 each . . .
All Summer Beauty Hydrangea, Hydrangea macrophylla ‘All Summer Beauty’
Shenandoah Ornamental Grass, Panicum virgatum ‘Shenandoah’
Adagio Ornamental Grass, Miscanthus sinensis ‘Adagio’
Hamelin Ornamental Grass, Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Hameln’
Red Prince Weigela, Weigela florida ‘Red Prince’
Tango Weigela, Weigela florida ‘Tango’
Little Princess Spirea, Spiraea japonica ‘Little Princess’
Gold Flame Spirea, Spiraea x bumalda ‘Goldflame’
Allegheny Viburnum, Viburnum rhytidophylloides ‘Allegheny
Oak Leaf Hydrangea, Hydrangea quercifolia
Gold Finger Potentilla, Potentilla fruticosa ‘Gold Finger’
Lucy Rose of Sharon Hibiscus syriacus ‘Lucy’
Aphrodite Rose of Sharon, Hibiscus syriacus ‘Aphrodite’
Annabelle Hydrangea, Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’
Ready for Retail Plants!
These are all one gallon sized plants that we retail on a daily basis for $5.97 each! Your cost only $3.10 each wholesale!
Some are in the two quart containers that we routinely grow in for our $5.97 sales but the plants are over flowing the containers. They are loaded with cuttings that you can take as soon as you get home.
This is what we have that are discounted for you to $3.10 each . . .
Little Princess Spirea, Spiraea japonica ‘Little Princess’
Gold Flame Spirea, Spiraea x bumalda ‘Goldflame’
We also have all of these Lilacs at $5.97 each . . .
Anabel Lilac, Syringa x hyacinthiflora ‘Anabel’
We have these arborviate for $9.97 each . . .
Each of these plants will yield a ton of cuttngs!
Emerald Green Arborvitae, Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’
Green Giant Arborvitae, Thuja (standish x plicata) ‘Green Giant’
Dark Green Arborvitae, Thuja occidentalis ‘Dark Green’
Wintergreen Arborvitae, Thuja occidentalis ‘Hetz Wintergreen’
These are true wholesale prices, don’t miss out.
This event takes place at . . .
Mike’s Plant Farm
4850 North Ridge Road
Perry, Ohio 44081
Questions, comments or mean things to say. Post them below.
I’m excited to be starting with the 7 dollar trial and am sure I will be doing the 67 per month cost for membership. I reall love the Japanese maple you have Mike and would love to win one. Who can I buy one from as a member? I’m enjoying all that I learn. Do you still sell plants in the fall or does buying slow way down.
We have several members that sell rare and unusual Japanese maple in our members area,, once inside just ask.
Mike, I have taken so much of your advise and am now finishing my second summer of production with a can yard filled pot-2-pot with #1. I can’t thank you enough. Everytime I’ve tried something new with propagation, I just end up coming back to your advise. However, my new sales are reflecting that my customers prefer the mother stock that I purchased in a #1, took cuttings from, and then upsized to #5. Can you share your thoughts on why you are sticking to the welsh pot size? If you were younger would you have a different strategy? it seems like you have tried it all in the past. I have really taken to heart your “filling up the Ferris wheel” mantra; it’s helping to maintain my sanity under pressures of time and workload.
If I were younger I for sure would be growing for the wholesale market which prefers 3 gallon and larger. Especially landscapers and many homeowners. Wholesale is really where the money is. Retail is okay but wholesale customers always spend several hundred dollars per order and they buy weekly, not once or twice a year. In the members area I often share articles that go into this in great detail.
Was up to see Mike and his wife yesterday. Nice people. Good deals. Enjoyed our visit with them. Will go back again.
Thanks Dave, it was great seeing you.
I need advice please help me start a business like yours what is the first step in starting out please respond any body doing this in North Dakota
We have people doing this successfully all over America, Canada and probably other countries as well. The members area is one of the most valuable things we offer and you can test drive it for $7 if you hurry. And we have lots of other products here;
Mike I love your videos, I was in Columbus, Ohio last weekend with family. For medical reasons I can not make that trip to Perry,Oh this soon. Working my plants is therapy for me, want to learn to work smarter not harder,pray to teach my grandchildren too. Plan to join and making trip to Perry soon. I love Japanese maples would like a yard full of maples. Have a blessed week and great sale.
Will you any have Japanese maple sales anytime soon ?
No, I won’t but they are often available in the members area,, for $15 or less for rare varieties, less than $3.00 for red seedlings.
Mike , I would love to purchase two Rose of Sharon for my wife. We have been looking for a long time. Please keep me in mind when you can ship to northern Mi,Thank you for your consideration,Ron
Thinking I will see you Saturday! Thank you for the invitation!!!
Any of your followers in the Cincinnati, N Kentucky, Indiana area?
We have a lot of members down your way.
I wish I could attend but I am having health problems, which hold me back from going.
You’ll be missed!
Mike, can you please make a Monday with Mike about doing direct stick cuttings into #1 cans of something like that? I have plenty of space, but I always feel that there is never enough time! I already do it with salix over the winter, but I’ve read it can be done with soft wood cuttings of reliably rooting varieties too! Thanks, Mike.
Let me give it some thought.
Hi Mike, I am a member of the backyard growers, I was wondering can you ship these plants back to MO.?? It is along way for me to drive to Ohio.
At this time we are not shipping but more than likely will start shipping in the fall when the weather cools.
So only the rooted cuttings are sold in a bunch and not the liners ? I just want as many plant varieties as I can get my hands on for as little as I can buy them for. TY I will tell my parents about this but your an hour and a half away so it will be hard to convince them
Hunter those are the prices but I am moving this date ahead.
Thanks I told my coach/boss/ landscaper and he said we could probably come.
You are welcome to come on the 23rd, but the actual event has been moved to the 30th. Come early in the day, we won’t be around in the afternoon. Sorry for the confusion.
One last thing are you going to also be selling your other plants at 5.97 because I would like to buy some other plants you have mentioned like snow angel huechera, forever pink hydrangea, abbotswood and pink whisper potentilla,and blue mouse ears hosta, man its gunna be hard to not spend all my money!
Yes, of course the other plants will be $5.97, some arborvitae are $9.97.
I enjoy Mike’s videos and didn’t know if he could provide some advice? I’ve planted Christmas trees the last three years that were balled and burlap. Unfortunately this years Canaan is turning brown. Just looking for advice on anything I can do to save it. I live in central Pennsylvania.
P.S. Your son said you are very busy, but you might respond to a post. Thanks.
When an evergreen turns brown, especially this time of the year, that’s not a good sign and the tree is usually past saving. I’m guessing it might be planted too deep or is just too wet. Not much you can do, try raising the tree up out of the ground a bit so the top of the root ball is one inch above grade and hope for the best.
I’ll give that a try and remember your advice for next years Christmas tree. The last several years instead of a cut tree for Christmas we started lugging the balled and burlap inside the house and then planting after the holiday.. I appreciate your time and advice. Great website! Thanks Gary.
Hi Mike I have a problem with blight. Do you know what I can use without chemicals? I have a dog and have alot of bird feeders and don’t want to harm the birds or my dog. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Blight on what. Most blight is pretty serious and little you can do helps once the plants are affected.
Kwanzan Cherry tree and I’m pretty sure on alot of other plants. Is there a way I can send you a picture?
No, that’s not possible. That’s a service that is available in our members area,, the ability to share and get input on photos, but I can’t do it here. Thanks for understanding.
I have three blue rug juniper in my yard and this year we are having an early summer. They are looking stressed. I am watering as much as I can but we may be under water restrictions soon. We have had NO rain this spring. Should I fertilize and what with. Colorado Springs is very dry and our temps are in the 90’s already. Help.
They really don’t need a lot of water, but some. Don’t fertilize plants that are already stressed.