Native plants galore—smack dab in the middle of the Peach State!!!!! Stop by Flat Creek Natives, LLC if you are in the area. Founded by Greg Lewis—a native of Whigham Georgia–Flat Creek Natives, LLC is a small, veteran owned business middle Georgia.
Greg is is a long time Member of Our Backyard Growers Business Center which is why his nursery is being featured here.

The primary focus of Flat Creek Natives is to provide a venue for plants native to Georgia, especially those indigenous to the Coastal Plain region. Even though much of our business consists of on-line sales and local outlets, we still enjoy engaging with customers at the nursery. While not a typical “brick and mortar” store, retail sales are available from the nursery site (by appointment only). You may find many interesting and relevant articles and posts at
After years of enjoying gardening as a hobby, Greg endeavors to be the middle Georgia “go to” place for native plants. The easy approach would be to only carry a limited product line, but Flat Creek Natives, LLC is striving to offer a broad range of trees, shrubs, wildflowers, vines, and grasses so the middle Georgia region and Coastal Plains can move in the direction of incorporating more natives in private and commercial properties, which is vital to provide food for the birds and other fauna native to the middle Georgia region.

In addition to providing structure for pollinators and birds, native plants are enjoyable for the variety of foliage and flowers throughout the year.
Arguably the most beautiful and varied native plants is the azalea. Some of tall, some short. Fragrant, some not. White, pink, red, orange, purple, yellow. They bloom in spring, summer, and fall. They drop their leaves in the fall. They are gorgeous. You owe it to yourself to have some in your landscape. They are called flammeum, viscosum, alabamense, arborescens, atlanticum, colemanii, canescens, austrinum, prunifolium, and so many more—there are so many choices to suit your requirement for plant habits, sizes, colors, fragrant, and bloom times. They are grown by tissue culture, cuttings, and from seed to meet cultural and genetic diversity needs.
Even though native trees, shrubs, wildflowers, and vines are the focus of nursery operations, we enjoy growing fresh herbs (rosemary, oregano, lemon balm, pineapple sage) and spices (such as turmeric). Another product available are some edibles such as figs, pomegranate, pawpaw, and elderberry. Whether you are landscaping, migrating your landscape to native plants, building a rain garden, or establishing a butterfly garden, feel free to stop by and peruse the nursery and chat with the staff.
Tenets guiding nursery operations include:
-Recycle, re purpose, reuse. If you tour the nursery, you will see. Please feel free to bring your empty nursery pots to save them from the landfill—get at least one more use out it them!
Permaculture. In addition to the propagation areas, there are several hugels used as raised beds to grow items that would be unruly in a raised bed. Also laced in this tenet is the compelling need to not use chemicals to control “pests”, but to use natural methods and practices to not further pollute God’s Green Earth.
-Save the pollinators. Provide a source for a wide range of trees, shrubs, wildflowers, vines, and grasses necessary for attracting and sustaining pollinators (butterflies, bees, bats, beetles, moths, flies, ants, wasps). Flat Creek Natives, LLC was one of the many observation sites for the Great Georgia Pollinator Census. Many of the items for sale are host plants to multiple pollinators such as the Spicebush Swallowtail, the Gulf Fritillary, and the well-known Monarch Butterfly. No “icky” chemicals used here—just natural elements—sorta like being organic.
For direct communication with the nursery staff for appointments or questions, contact us via email ([email protected]) or Private Message at

Where is the nursery? The address is 2419 Highway 41 South, Perry GA.
Directions from the north: We are only 4 miles from the Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricenter. Take I-75 Exit 134 (South Perry Parkway) to Highway 41 South (left at Striplings). Once you pass the Flat Creek Public Fishing Area on your left, the nursery will be one mile further on the right (west) side of Highway 41. Look for the black mailbox with 2419 on the side. If you choose to ignore the directions and use Garmin, the phone number for directions is listed above when you get tired of being in the wrong place.
native, nursery, azalea, tree, shrub, wildflower, milkweed, asclepias, perennials, vines, dogwood, redbud, coneflower, Hibiscus, liatris, rain lily, Mountain Mint, sparkleberry, magnolia, fringe tree, hop tree, spicebush, beauty berry, fothergilla, sumac, arrowwood, coral bean, coral honeysuckle, maypop, passion vine, wild ginger, frog fruit, propagation, propagator, Master Gardener, host, nectar, pollinator, larval host plant
Questions or comments post them below.
Do you have any Carolina silver bell trees?
Do you have one gal Dwarf Hollies? IF so what is the price?
Do you have pine straw? If so, what is the price per bale.
Greetings. I read above that I need to make an appointment. I am looking for perennials in red for my garden. I only need 4. I would prefer ones that do not attract bees. I’m new to planting a garden. This is my second time.
Do you carry succulents or cactus for sale?
Sir, do you deliver top soil? Do you charge to come out and advise?
I am interested in purchasing azaleas and rhododendrons including native azaleas- varied colors such as Hazel Hamilton azalea, Rhododendrum flammeum. Please share price list.
Do you carry roses,plants or can you order a special one.?
Do you have any red Japanese Maple trees?
I would like to purchase some native trees. May I have a late Wednesday 5/6th, pick up?