This daylily grows in all kinds of soils, extremely hardy, drought tolerant and excellent choice for attracting humming birds and butterflies.
We sell at ton of these at Mike’s Plant Farm. When people see the red bloom the go crazy over them.
This plant happily grows in zones 3 through 9.
As always, by any means stay inspired!
Questions, comments, mean things to say? Post them below and I will respond.
Hi, I noticed a lot of people asking how to buy these plants……
Hi mike I had them they only last 3 years in zone 4. Like most of the coral bells happy returns is yellow but a sport of them. I’ll try new life nursery in Michigan thanks
For the last 4 years, I have used 8# fishing line tied to stakes encircling my flower gardens. The dear won’t cross it because they don’t see it.. I put 2 levels up. I have many day lillies and asiatic lillies among other perennials. In the shady area I have a good variety of hosts. Deer visit my yard often, but now don’t eat my flowers. I shore it up in early spring . It is easier than anything else I have tried.
Thanks for the tip.
At what heights do you string them?
I wonder if the technique would work for dogs whose owners seem to believe neighbourhood gardens are public puppy poopers.
BEWARE….the deer love daylilies
Deer Ticks and Deer Flies. Does anyone know of any PLANTS that attract the birds and/or insects that eat Deer Ticks and Deer Flies? Or plants that attract the micro-insects that parasite and destroy the eggs of the Deer Fly and Deer Tick.
These two insects are destroying my happiness, especially midJun-lateAug for the Deer Fly and nearly the entire year for Deer ticks. I’m so fed up and my remaining time is getting short, I’m tempted to move to Nome LOL.
You know it’s me when you see the guy wearing a bucket hat with a bright blue paper-plate coated in Tanglefoot, plate velcro-ed to the top of hat,
I’ve been wondering the same. I have read/heard beneficial nematodes can be helpful against ticks and termites. I plan to try some this spring. When I moved to Maine, I was so happy to finally have ground to garden on, but little did I realize that being outside is pure misery for most of the growing season. And forget going barefoot in the grass!
You might try:
Mason jar with warm water. Add yeast and stir some. Cover with Cellophane wrap. Cut a long slit in the cellophane. Set out doors not over 4ft. It attracts flying creatures like mosquitoes and possibly flys!?! They can get it but can’t get, out even if they do flap their wings twice.
Second: Diatomaceous earth -DE, for creepy crawlers like spiders, Cockroaches, ticks and the like. DE is microscopic razor blades to such creatures and the food grade variety is good for your digestion (sprinkle it on food or in a drink). Otherwise, sprinkle on ground where you don’t want these critters. Safe for kids dogs and donkeys (lol). Rain may wash it away so repeat may be necessary. Available at health food stores.
The only thing that I know that is almost guaranteed to eat ticks voraciously are guinea hens. Fun to have around, will not go into your gardens and scratch your plants up. We used to let them free in the morning. They had a trail they followed daily – down to the pasture, gradually up around the barn, through the barn, back to their barn. They will make a nest somewhere in the high grass, with large eggs. If left, they will hatch the eggs and there will be little ones. They like to roost up high at night. hope this helps.
Sharon T,
For everyone asking where to buy these, just do a search on Google you will find several places to buy them.
Hi Mike, How can I order some of the plants you show us on your website?
I don’t ship plants at this time however many of our members do and you can find almost anything in the members area at below wholesale pricing. http://backyardgrowers.com/join
Mike -I bought this one last year -are they ok to propogate and sell? They aren’t restricted are they??
To the best of my knowledge Little Business Daylily is in the public domain, you should be fine.
Hi Mike, Enjoyed all of your articles and videos. Would enjoy the Little Business Lillies in my garden. Could you please tell me where I could purchase these? Thank You.
I really don’t know. You can look around online or ask in our members area if you are a member. http://backyardgrowers.com/join
Hi there, fyi a friend of mine git his on QVC and his bloom beautifuly. Hope you can get some as well. GOD Bless
Hi Mike!! Can I purchase and can you ship to Kentucky 40330?
I love the hummingbirds and butterflies and am trying to make a refuge for them in my yard……
Thanks for all the tips along the way
I’m not set up to ship plants at this time.
Hi Mike, Thanks for your emails. I’ve learned so much about gardening from you over the years.
These are beautiful daylilies, but I have 5 deer who are permanent residents on our property. Any chance these are deer resistent. I know they will eat anything if hungry enough. Just wondering if they are worth the investment. I gave up on tulips years ago. They never even had a chance to open.
I won’t say they are deer resistant, but they are quite resilient and I don’t think deer would permanently damage them.
Mike, I want to buy these from you. I live in Indiana so you would need to ship them to me. Is this possible? if yes please respond with pricing, order form, etc. Thank you.
I have enjoyed you website for years, but have never posted anything before. Thank you for all you advice. I stay inspired!
At this time I am not shipping any plants. That might change in the future but as of right now I am not shipping plants.
Who is available to purchase from under your program in the Minneapolis, St. Paul area?
I live in Hudson, Wi. St. Croix county Wi.
thank you for your answer in advance
We have some members in your area but I can’t share that info here. Some of our members are featured on http://mikesbackyardnursery.com/ but I can’t remember who has submitted a profile and who hasn’t.
MIKE you might want to post ordering info with this post
Sorry Terry, I don’t ship plants, I only sell locally.
Charles for sure I’ll be open every weekend in May. 4850 North Ridge Road, Perry, Ohio 44081
well Darn, I didn’t know you were so close to me when I lived in Ohio!
love your videos! I am a frustrated gardener now living in an apartment!
maybe I’ll be able to get up to see you when I come up to visit in May.
Stop by and say hello!
Where can I buy these beautiful daylilies?
Deb, you’ll have to call around. They truly are pretty scarce which is why more people should be growing and selling them. They probably can be found in our members area.
If you are near Ann Arbor try Turner’s Nursery on Wagner Rd. I’ve seen them there in seasons past.
Does this plant have a name that would be known in the UK. I would like to see if it is available here
Joanne, not that I know of.
I love daylilies! That said… here in Washington state the deer eat them like candy. Sigh…
Those are beautiful!
Beautiful, is this the same as the Mandaville?
Do you know how I can get rid of dollar weed?
Looking to purchase.
Are you selling them, if so how much and cost for shipping to Central Florida?
how do i get this Little Business Daylily,
Can I purchase some of these little business daylilly and if so what is the cost?
How much are the Little Business Daylily?
Do you sell them to the general public and if not, do you know of a source for these in NW Florida? Haven’t seen any Hummers around my feeder yet. Enjopy getting your emails
I only sell locally. I bought my original plants in our members area for about a dollar each.
Hi Mike. Love your articles. The deer also love the day lilies unfortunately !
Will this Lily grow in Lake Helen ,Florida ? I think we’re 9b zone (mid florida ) I like your garden hints Mike . Sincerely , Sarah
Probably a couple times a year.
Can I purchase Little Business Daylillies from you?
Can I order these reblooming day lilies??
Can you ship lilies? I would like to buy some.
How do I order plants from you? I would love to have the Purple Ghost Maple and also the Little Business Daylily.
Can I purchase 20 of these and what is the price for them plus shipping and handling to Thomaston Ga. 30286
When will I be able to purchase the Little Business Daylily.
Hey Mike! Thank you so much for this tip! My wife is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s. She loves hummingbirds and was always putting up hummingbird feeders around the property, plus flowers that would attract them. We never heard of these lilies. She’d always got very excited when they would fly in! They’re very cool little creatures and are fascinating to watch! I only hope I can find these lilies around here. I learn so much from you Mike! Keep up the great work Sir!
Thank you Christian and you are welcome. Wishing the best for you and your wife.
When I was younger I loved my garden. I belonged to a garden club and grew a lot of flowering plants, trees, and shrubs. Can’t do that anymore. Just want to tell you I enjoy watching you plant and teach people how to plant, make a compost, how to care for sick plants, but most of all I enjoy your donkeys. They are so affectionate. Thank you!
How may I get some Little Business Daylilies?
I want to purchase some of these plants, Where can I get them?
Little Business Daylily
This is what I’m interested in acquiring.. thank you
I’m in east bay California.. south of Oakland.., will these grow here? If so, how do I order some…?
Thank you,
Is the Little Business Daylilly deer resistant?
How can I buy some?
A Comment and 3 questions..
Comment: I love your website and always look forward to your posts. This is an amazing little DayLily.
Question 1: Can I buy this from you for my yard? I am in zone 9 and it would complement our yard in such a lovely way.
Question 2: Can you help me with the two plum trees in my home orchard. They both have a few good limbs left, but since I pruned them recently are putting out shoots that are clearly not healthy with curled up leaves. They look very sick! I don’t want to lose the trees, but it does not appear that they will be fruiting this year.
Question 3: Can you recommend plants I can add to a vegetable or fruit (strawberries) that will help with pest control. I want to use organic/natural products for pest control.
Thank you very much in advance.
At this time I do not ship any plants.
If the leaves on the plums are curling up an insect might be feeding on them.
#3 I don’t think I can help much with. Not my area of expertise.
A Comment and 3 questions..
Comment: I love your website and always look forward to your posts. This is an amazing little Little Business Daylily.
Question 1: Can I buy this from you for my yard? I am in zone 9 and it would complement our yard in such a lovely way.
Question 2: Can you help me with the two plum trees in my home orchard. They both have a few good limbs and since I pruned them are putting out shoots that are clearly not healthy with curled up leaves. They look very sick! I don’t want to lose the trees, but it does not appear that they will be fruiting this year.
Question 3: Can you recommend plants I can add to a vegetable or fruit (strawberries) that will help with pest control. I want to use organic/natural products for pest control.
Thank you very much in advance.
These are beautiful. Where can I get a cutting or plant. I live in Central Texas. Would the plant survive the heat and drought? I love seeing your knowledge and helpful tips. Bless you.
Hey Mike I live in OH myself, Mansfield. Does this little business day Lilly creep up lattice? Also do you have any Ohio buckeye seedlings?
No and no. Sorry.
Do the red daylilies have to have full sun? How big do they get? Are they perennial? Do the spread?
Thank you
they are perennial and probably grow best with at least 50% sunlight.
Mike, Do you sell and ship plants? Like to purchase maybe a half dozen. walt from Billerica Mass
walt again………….previous reply i was referring to the little business daylily
Do the red day lilies have to have full sun? Are they a perennial? Where are you and how can I get some?
Thank you.