This beautiful hosta is a great seller for me. It’s funny because when I mention Hosta to some of my customers they immediately say, “Urgg! I’ve got enough hosta.” That’s because they just don’t know Hostas or how many beautiful and unusual hostas there are out there.

Once they see the many different sizes and colors that we carry, they quickly change their tune about Hostas. Others come in always looking for the new and unusual Hostas that they don’t have yet. Asking me for certain varieties and asking if maybe I could get one or two for them.
Of course I can’t buy just one or two Hosta, I have to buy a minimum of a tray of 72 of the same variety. But I’m fine with that. If a Hosta is nice enough that somebody is asking about it, I want to try them out to see how well they sell.
Hosta, ‘Rainforest Sunrise’ only gets about 8″ tall, and up to 16″ wide. It has spectacular yellow gold color and purple and white blooms on 18″ scapes.
‘Rainforest Sunrise’ is hardy in zones 3 through 9 and does well in partial shade to full shade.
Hosta ‘Rainforest Sunrise’ is one of those magical plants that is, to the best of my knowledge not patented. That means that it is in the public domain and you and I are free to propagate it to our hearts content and grow and sell all of them we want.
We’ve Got a Member in Pennsylvania that has a Hosta garden that really is not all that big, his yard isn’t really very big, but he has that garden packed with Hostas that are in the public domain. Each spring he digs and divides a bunch of them and is always sure to re-plant some of the divisions so he never runs out of Hostas to grow and sell. I think he said that he has around 100 different Hostas in that bed!
Using Hostas for weed control in your garden.
What??? Yep, Hostas are excellent for weed control in your gardens. In order for weeds to grow and thrive they need lots of sunlight. Because many hostas have large, wide leaves and they take up some space in a flower garden, Hostas actually help to keep weeds at bay.
Questions, comments, mean things to say? Post them below and I will respond. Until then, by any and all means stay inspired!
Hi Mike, I am addicted to growing hostas and I love the ones you have ,especially the rain forest surprise, do you ship to Ontario Canada and could I buy some from you?
Gail Hubbert
At this time I am not shipping any plants and shipping out of the U.S. is not a simple thing. It can be done, but the order has to be large because there are inspections and paper work.
I love hostas and want several for the new property we just moved to.
I was very sick for a couple of years (yeah, I’m old too) but am hoping this year will be better. I THINK I’m a member already, but can’t remember for sure if I stayed “paid up” etc. How can I find out?
Donna, just email Duston and he can look you up. [email protected] or [email protected]
I am interested in the Hostas varieties that grow well in Zone 9. I am originally from Ohio, so we enjoyed them. I seen a couple but no where to purchase them.
You can find them online but they are pricey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In our members area all varieties are usually just two or three dollars each. http://backyardgrowers.com/join