Well . . . this photo says it all. All most all.
It’s obvious that Shirobana spirea is beautiful in bloom but the thing that makes it an asset to any garden is the fact that it blooms late in the summer when other things are pretty much done blooming.

This is a sun loving plant that is very easy to care for. It responds well to all the pruning you can give it, you are not going to harm this plant by pruning it. It’s hardy in zones 4 through 9.
Shirobana Spirea is super easy to propagate by either Hardwood Cuttings in the Winter or Very Early Spring, or Softwood cuttings in late spring, early summer.
It can grow to a height of two to three feet high and wide, but as I stated, you can keep this to any size you want.
Questions, comments, mean things to say? Post them below and I will respond.
Until then, by any and all means stay inspired!
should I dead head the dead flowers”