Right now is the ideal time to buy plants because they are beautiful and not picked over. We have an excellent selection of the items listed here. We have lots and lots of other things you can buy, all only $7.97 each but I’m not going to list them all here. These are the items that look fantastic right now and are an absolute steal at only $7.97 each.

These too are only $7.97 each.
Wanna know a secret? Every plant in the joint are only $7.97 each except two. We’ve got one Pink Dogwood for $39.00 and one Ruby Falls Weeping Redbud also for $39.00. Do me a favor please, come and buy these two plants so I can just say that “Every Thing” in the joint is only $7.97!

Arborvitaes. We have a really good selection of Arborviates and I know this is crazy, but they are only $7.97 each while they last! We have Dark Green Arborvitae, Emerald Green Arborvitae and Green Giant Arborvitae.
Listen, everywhere else arborvitaes are $50 to $99 each if not more. Selling these for $7.97 each is “White Coat Crazy”!
I call them Dufus Neighbor Plants because if your neighbor is a complete dufus and his yard looks like a dump, these will cure that problem. And they grow fast!

Do we have other plants? Heck yes! But I am not going to list them all here.
Would you like to know exactly what we have? Get in the car and come see.
Don’t call me, don’t message me, just come and see. I know in your world it’s all about the phone, you get everything you want answered with your cute little phone. But in my world it doesn’t work that way. Those kinds of calls and messages annoy the hell out of me. I don’t like phones, I don’t do phones, but I do give people my business card with my cell phone number on it, but it says right on the card, I really, really, really hate talking on the phone. But if you are driving a long way and people drive 60 or 80 miles to buy our plants, I’ll happily tell you whether or not we are open.
Want a business card? Come and get one. I will not post that number online. If I do, I get calls from all over the country if not the world. We actually have a business phone. I took that baby and carefully wrapped it in bubble wrap, put it in a box and mailed it to my son in Texas with a note that said, “You answer the phone.”
That number is 440-259-43??. Don’t call it. He’s in Texas, he has no idea what’s going on at the nursery. That number is for our online customers (and no, we don’t sell plants online!) We teach this business to others. That number is for them if they need customer service.
Hours? Where is this place?
Okay, here’s the deal. If I am currently running an ad on Facebook we do our best to be here from at least 10:00 until about 3:00 pm during week and til 4:00 pm on Saturday and until 2:00 or 3:00 pm on Sunday. In the spring of course we are have longer hours.
On a daily basis? Usually 10:00 until at least 2:00 pm. But if it’s rainy and ugly outside, I lock up and go home. This is a part-time/retirement business for us and to be quite honest, at this point in our lives, it is not going to control our lives. We intend to control it. If that makes you unhappy, I’m sorry. Those other joints have longer hours and higher priced plants.
We are located at
4850 North Ridge Road
Perry, Ohio 44081
It’s a house! Pull in and drive out back, past the plants, past the donkeys and park in the grass on the left. Don’t park out front we have tenants in the house and we share the driveway with Richard and Donna next door. But Richard also has plants. He has things like Rhododendrons and Azaleas, maybe some spruce trees, things like that.
If you come and we’re closed, buy some plants from Richard in the white house.
How do I order from you? My info is below (I think)
You can’t order from me, I only sell locally. If you want wholesale deals on small plants you should consider our members area, http://backyardgrowers.com/join, in there there are tremendous bargains to be found on just about any plant you want on a year round basis.
Do you ship at all? I just bought acreage in Texas and want to start a mini farm. I want a field of lavender and haven’t found a decent supplier. Do you have lavender?
No I do not ship at all. I can only share wholesale sources in our members area. I have several source that I buy lavender from, usually about $2.00 per plant. http://backyardgrowers.com/join
Hi Mike, Just discovered your website yesterday. I enjoy your witty humor and thanks for sharing lots of useful information. I am wondering if you happen to have dwarf mountain laurel? Thanks.
Sorry, I do not.
Do you put all of your potted plants that didn’t sell this year under the plastic covers or just ones that are more fragile?
Only those that I think are more problematic and this year I probably won’t cover any. I have one container area that is recessed about 8″ and I’ll put the risky ones in there.
It is mid September and I have lots of rooted cuttings that are ready to be potted up. Should I leave them in the propagating bed and pot them up next spring or pot them now? They won’t be ready to sell until next year.
All of mine will stay in the bed until early spring and then get potted.
Thanks so much. That is so helpful. I didn’t learn that from watching your videos.
Do you put all of your leftover potted plants under the plastic covers for the winter?
Hi Mike!
I didn’t make it out last weekend. Do you still have the white hydrangeas available? Open at 10 Sat and Sunday?
I do. Open at 10 today, not sure about Sunday yet, might not open at all.
Hi Mike!
Do you still have white hydrangeas and/or any other white flowering plants?
I have some really nice Annabelle Hydrangea. Large white blooms.
Thanks! Hope to see you today or tomorrow.
Do you have arborvitae left? If so how big are they and can I purchase them online and then pick them up?
I have plenty left but you have to come and buy them at the nursery.
4850 North Ridge Road, Perry, Ohio 44081
My 20 yr Rose is on its last leg and I haven’t been able to root a new one ! Help ! My husband bought it a couple of yrs before he died in 2020
See this https://mikesbackyardnursery.com/2013/10/how-to-grow-roses-from-cuttings-2/
Mary…Frazier Valley Roses on youtube also has helpful propagation vids too. It will kind of depend on where you are.
How tall will the hydrangeas grow
About 30″ and you can trim them as needed.