How pretty is that? And it’s a ground hugging perennial that comes back year and year.
These plants were new to our nursery last year so Pam and I planted three of them in our landscape at home. Not only did they do really well last year but they wintered perfectly here in cold northern Ohio and they are amazing this spring!

Ice Plant only get about 3″ tall, spread to about 30″ wide and are hardy down to zone 6. But like I said, it’s really cold here in northern Ohio and ours did fine. They come in a variety of different colors. The one in the top photo is Granita Raspberry. This name is protected and I’m not sure if the plant is patented or not. I don’t propagate them, I just buy them for less than $2.00 each pot them up and sell them! Our members can buy all kinds of plants for $2.00 or $3.00 each!
Questions, comments, mean things to say? Post them below and I will respond. Until then, by any and all means stay inspired!
Last year I was given an ice plant in a hanging basket at the end of fall, which I kept in my unheated garage. We had record cold temperatures that winter and it barely survived, losing most of it’s beautiful long trailing vines. I live in a small, nw OK town and don’t have access to more of these plants but would like to grow a few for my yard, as we also have very hot, dry summers. Can I grow some from cuttings?
I’m sure you can but some of them are patented. http://mikesbackyardnursery.com/2015/01/easy-summertime-plant-propagation-techniques-can-home/
I live in Minnesota, so it a far cry from zone 6, but how would this plant do in a large pot and wintered in a heated garage.
Good question. I believe they need to go dormant and rest. If the garage were just above freezing it would probably work fine.
I have a decent sized bed of Pachysandra that I want to move to other parts of my yard. Is there an easy way to dig them up without destroying them?
Cut them in squares with a spade, about the size of the blade of the spade, undercut them with some soil, just a couple inches of soil and relocate and water well for a few weeks.
Where can I get some of these ice
Call around or try and buy them online. If you were one of our members you could buy trays of them for just a couple bucks a piece. http://backyardgrowers.com/join
I live in Northern Arkansas and I have had an Ice Plant for several years, I love it. As you say it is very forgiving, tolerates dry heat well. Our summers are HOT and DRY. Mine is also a Fuchsia Pink, LOVE it. Keep gardening Mike. Love your videos!!
I’ve been seriously thinking about relocating from Las Vegas to NW Arkansas to be able to grow big beautiful plants, and flowers and to get out of this state while I still can – before it’s completely taken over.
I just want someplace that is peaceful and beautiful without the extreme heat (I know it’s a lot more humid which I can learn to deal with) that has the four seasons that I can experience and enjoy for the remainder of my life.
Any suggestions?
NW Arkansas (Rogers) We moved here from California 28 years ago. NW Arkansas is growing fast but it’s still very peaceful and beautiful.
Is the Ice Plant a sun or shade plant?
It loves full sun, tolerates partial shade.
I have about 10 of these Ice Plants. In a burm, several in the back yard and 3 first olants to “Spring alive”. I can,t have too many. One of the most forfiving plant alive! Love them because of our hot dry climate. Utah is second state next to Arizona as the two desert states.
I just came in from doing yard work at 10;p.m. Have plenty of flood lights.Was 95 degrees at 6:oo p.m. I am 3/4th disabled but won’t stop gardening till I die.
I lost my Husband and Son two weeks apart so I do it all by myself. I do have a wonderful Gentleman that mows my lawns once a week. He is a God send to me.
I had an elderly gardening friend that said ” Gardening is far better for you tha Prozac. So true.
Thanks Mike, Love you and your donkeys.
Thank you Cleo, keep gardening!
do you ship any p[ants to Ontario Canada?
I do not ship plants at this time.
I’d love to purchase a few of your Ice Plants – but how do I do it?
Will they do well in South Caroline? Beautiful plant.
Is the plant honeybee friendly.?
As far as I know.
No it is not.
I’ve had terrible luck with ice plant. They were planted about 18 months ago around my mailbox bed. They should be a perfect solution, but they’ve barely grown, and they look bad. Even though they bloom, they don’t fill in. I think they get too much direct Sun, but I’m not sure. I’d love for mine o look like yours.
Mine are not in great soil but get water from the lawn sprinklers.
The ice plant is the best plant we can use in our climate.Mine are as beautiful as yours. Maybe more so.HaHa Utah is a desert and hard to keep some plants living while our water consumption has been cut to no more than twice a week.
Love the pics. !! Need more pics of the mules..