Grape plants are easy to propagate from cuttings. Most of the time they are done during the winter months when the plants are dormant. Cuttings taken in the late fall and winter are known as hardwood cuttings because just as it sounds, the wood is much harder during the fall and winter than it is… Click here to read more…
How to Root Hundreds if not Thousands of Cuttings at One Time.
What I am about to share with you is a bit of an industry secret. But what I want you to really grasp is that this system will work for just a few cuttings, or in our case we do tens of thousands of cuttings at time using this very simple, yet incredibly effect system…. Click here to read more…
How to Grow Roses from Cuttings.
It is easier than you think to propagate and grow roses from cuttings. As with all plant propagation it’s all about timing and technique and timing is usually more important than technique. (Note: Did you notice that there are two different kinds of bees in that rose bloom? Just thought I’d point that out.)… Click here to read more…
How I Overwinter My Cuttings
We’ve been pushing hard to try and get all the cuttings stuck that we can before it gets too late in the season. In this week’s episode of “Mondays With Mike” I’ll show you how we plan to overwinter our cuttings. By adjusting the layout of my mist beds, I’m now confident the cuttings will… Click here to read more…
Adding A New Cutting Bed
This week I’m adding a new cutting bed at the nursery (since we completely filled up our other one). Plus, the donkeys make an another appearance…
How I Shade My Cuttings
I came up with an easy way to shade my cuttings this year PLUS I have a bit of a surprise for you. AND… you’ll get to hear from Amber! Watch the video below…
How to Propagate and Grow ‘Milky Way’ Chinese Dogwood Trees, Cornus kousa
Chinese Dogwood trees are really special because they bloom later than most flowering trees and often bloom longer. Here in zones 5 and 6, they don’t start blooming until at least June. The blooms open a beautiful mint green in color and then whiten as time goes on. Is there a market for Chinese Dogwood… Click here to read more…
Potting Up Our Rooted Cuttings
It’s a busy week for us… digging water lines, installing drain pipes, making retaining walls and potting up our rooted cuttings. Small Plants Like this Sell Like Crazy and in Many Cases You Can Find Buyers all over the Country that Will Buy from You. Just Put them in a Box and Send them Off. … Click here to read more…
How do you propagate Dianthus, Carnation or Sweet William, sometimes known as Pink?
Dianthus is an amazing plant that will really wake up any landscape. They bloom heavily in the spring, on into the summer and if you deadhead them (remove the spent flowers after blooming) they are likely to bloom again even into the fall. They love full sun and do well in zones 4 through 9. … Click here to read more…
Rooted Cuttings Experiment and More
I setup a rooted cutting experiment to see which medium would work best between coarse sand and potting soil. Watch the video to see which worked best!
How to Propagate Fragrant Viburnum.
There is nothing like the smell of a fragrant viburnum outside your bedroom window or off the end of your porch. As the wind blows the fragrance is carried throughout the yard. There are a number of different fragrant Viburnums but two old time favorites, and the two that are still the best no matter… Click here to read more…
How To Build a Plant Propagation Box
How to Build a Plant Propagation Box for Rooting Cuttings. The plant propagation box that I am going to show you how to build in this video is really, really easy to build. You can make it any size you want from a little tiny one and as large as you want. You can use this box… Click here to read more…
Propagating Potentilla from Cuttings
Propagating potentilla from cuttings is really easy to do and when done as softwood cuttings during the late spring early summer they root quite quickly, usually in two to three weeks. What I am going to show you in this post is propagating potentilla late in the season when the wood is much… Click here to read more…
Propagation From Cuttings
I’ve been busy here in the nursery trying to squeeze in a few last events before winter arrives. In this video you’ll discover the simplicity of propagation from cuttings. For the most part I start taking cuttings around June 1st and continue taking them right up until the sand in my propagation boxes freezes. You… Click here to read more…
How to Grow Roses from Cuttings
You are going to love this article on how to grow roses from cuttings. This is a really simple process that works and takes all the mystery out of rose propagation. A customer of mine actually made this video for you and I. Thank you Jeff! Rose Bush Propagation This is a process that can… Click here to read more…
A Simple Way To Root Plants From Cuttings
This Really is the Most Fun You Can Have with Your Bibs On! Check Out My Backyard Growing System.
Grow Your Own Grape Plants
For more on grape vine care, click HERE!