If you take a good look at your yard, you will find many different edible weeds that can be eaten in salads, made into tea or used for health purposes. Amaranth Found on most continents, Amaranth is an edible weed and Native to the Americas. The whole Amaranth plant can be eaten but if the… Click here to read more…
5 Uses For Chickens In the Garden
If you are looking for a devoted helper in your backyard garden, the humble chicken would like to apply for the job. We all know that there is no egg fresher than that which was laid by one of your own chickens. However, the benefits of welcoming a few chickens to roost on your turf… Click here to read more…
9 Tips for Breeding Goats
Breeding goats successfully depends on several factors and the implementation of good breeding practice. Body condition of the animals, correctly recognizing the signs of heat and rut, mating conditions, parasite infestation, vaccination status, hoof condition, weaning of older kids and newborn nutrition are all important aspects of breeding to consider when creating the best environment… Click here to read more…
Building Shelter for Miniature Donkeys or Goats.
I’ve got these two Irish Miniature Donkeys that I just bought and I need to build for them some kind of a shelter house or small barn so I thought that I would document the process so maybe somebody some where, some day might benefit from my efforts. How do I know that my Miniature… Click here to read more…
How to Care for Goats
Many people are becoming more self sufficient. That may mean securing their own source of water, growing their own food or raising animals. Raising goats can be part of the process when becoming self sufficient. Goats can also be kept for profit. Goats are versatile animals that can be used for meat, milk, fibers, and… Click here to read more…
8 Ways to Purify Water at Home
Clean, potable drinking water is vital to the survival of virtually all living species. However, sometimes disaster strikes, contaminating major water sources. It is extremely important to be educated on how to treat contaminated water prior to drinking it. The methods below include just eight of the many ways to purify water at home, be… Click here to read more…
9 Tips for Rainwater Collection
Natural rainwater is an excellent resource for just about any activity that requires water. Gardening, laundering, bathing, and drinking can all be done with natural rainwater, as long as proper cleaning is practiced prior to use. Although it may take a bit of extra money for the initial setup of a rainwater harvesting system, you… Click here to read more…
Miniature Donkeys at Mike’s Plant Farm in Perry, Ohio
I’m not really sure why I just up and bought two miniature donkeys, other than to say I wanted them and I think people who visit Mike’s Plant Farm will really love them. This really wasn’t a spur of the moment decision, I spent months contemplating it. I’m not one to get a pet then… Click here to read more…
How to Make Wine at Home
Homemade wine can either taste really good or really bad. However, it is fun to make, and if you know what you are doing, the results are usually pretty good. The best thing is the amount of money you will save by making wine at home and not buying it from a store. After some… Click here to read more…
Can You Live Off the Land?
It’s a dream for many… to live off the land. Being self-sustainable just gives you the feeling of freedom. No one to hold you accountable but yourself. But the real question is, can YOU do it? There are few things to consider before taking the plunge. How much will it cost for you and your… Click here to read more…
Top 17 Websites for Raising Chickens 2013
Chicken raising is a rather large decision and with that we have hunted up twenty different sites for you to peruse and check out to see if its something that you might want to do. 1. The Art of Manliness This one has guest posts and follows you through day to day care of this… Click here to read more…
The Donkey House is done!
We completed construction of the donkey house, stuck some more cuttings and prepared another section of land to plant some trees. The video shows it all…
7 Reasons Why You Should Get a Goat
Should you get a goat? This post should help you make an informative decision. There has been a rise in the urban farming and organic homestead movements in recent years. With eye-opening documentary films like “Food, Inc.” and “King Corn” making a huge impact on the way people throughout the modernized world are viewing farming… Click here to read more…
7 Ideas for More Energy Efficient Homes
In these contemporary times, it seems that more and more people are interested in having energy efficient homes. Although broadly defined, energy efficiency is basically a concept that refers to reducing the amount of energy used in providing services and products. An example of making efficient use of energy would be insulating a home. Doing… Click here to read more…
9 Things to Consider Before Moving to the Country
So, you’re thinking about moving to the country! This post is a great guide to help you take the next big step. Moving to the country can be an adventure and can be a positive experience for your mind, body and spirit. Many people find they really enjoy the slower pace of life offered in… Click here to read more…
How To Keep Bees: A Beginner’s Guide
This is a “beginner’s guide” on how to keep bees. Beekeeping can be a fun hobby. It also has a few benefits. Who doesn’t like honey? It is great in so many of the foods and beverages we consume. However, not all honey we get from bees is used for human consumption. Bees also make… Click here to read more…
Mike McGroarty’s Dirt Farmer Fudge
Keeping the Dirt Farmer Fudge Tradition Alive. Making fudge with the grand-kids. List of ingredients. 6 cups of sugar 1 and 1/3 cups of Hershey’s Cocoa 1/4 teaspoon of salt 3 cups of milk (I use 2%. I like to eat healthy!) 1 stick of butter 2 teaspoons of vanilla Optional (which means you don’t… Click here to read more…
How To Tie a Slipknot
Why would I teach you how to tie a slip knot? Because, slip knots are cool! And once you learn how to tie this knot you might yourself using it a lot more than you think. It’s great for tying up small piles or branches or brush, it’s good for putting a string around a tarp, a bundle of anything. I… Click here to read more…
What has Pam been up to?
Many of our members have met Pam when they come to events that I’ve had at the nursery exclusively for our members. She usually shows up with a carload of homemade cookies and is the hit of the party. Right now she is making Jewlery like crazy! I don’t know much about Jewelry, but… Click here to read more…
“Grammaw’s” Baked Bean Recipe
Ingredients: Two Large Cans of Campbells Baked Beans (53-1/4 ounce cans) One Large white onion chopped up in small pieces One pound of Dark brown sugar 1/4 cup of Ketchup Mix all the ingredients together in a baking dish. Mix them together as best you can, but the brown sugar will be lumpy until it’s been… Click here to read more…