Remember back in grade school when your teacher gave you a dixie cup full of dirt? You planted a flower seed, kept the cup in the window and watered it each day. Your flower sprouted, grew and bloomed. Then you carefully brought it home for Mother’s Day. (For many of us, it didn’t survive the… Click here to read more…
Freezing for a Reason- The Ice Bucket Challenge
I’m sure by now most of you have seen the many, many (….many, many, many) ice bucket challenge videos circulating around the internet. It is good fun for a great cause. This challenge promotes awareness and to date has raised a whopping 88.5 million dollars for the ALS Association to help combat Lou Gehrig Disease…. Click here to read more…
Backyard Growers Enjoying a Visit to Mike’s Plant Farm in Perry, Ohio
Once or twice a year we invite our Backyard Growers to my place, Mike’s Plant Farm, here in Perry, Ohio. Each year we have a group of wonderful people. We enjoy the day talking plants, plant propagation, growing and selling plants and we eat. And of course the donkeys love the company. We also do … Click here to read more…
A Step By Step Guide to Overwintering Geraniums
Geraniums are often used as container plants or planted as annuals. They naturally grow in hot climates (zones 9-12), but that doesn’t mean they have to die off each winter in colder climates. Your geraniums will last for many years if follow this simple technique for overwintering them. Step 1 Dig your geranium. Dig your… Click here to read more…
Tent Caterpillar Control
Every ten years or so you might notice an abundance of tent caterpillar nests like the one pictured above. The eastern half of the U.S and Canada get hit hard, but I’m sure our readers along the pacific coast and in the U.K. can relate to this as well. Eastern tent caterpillars overwinter in a… Click here to read more…
An Important Lesson for All Plant Propagators
Mike and I were walking through the nursery yesterday discussing what we wanted to shoot our next “Mondays With Mike” video about. As we walked past a row of plants in the container area Mike said, “Hey Amber, check out the arborvitae”. As I walked closer to the grouping of evergreens tagged as Arborvitae ‘Emerald… Click here to read more…
The Step by Step Guide to Making a Weed Free Flower or Perennial Garden.
Nothing can add more Pizazz to your yard than a beautiful flower and or perennial garden. As long as it is weed free and you can keep it that way. Here’s a step by step guide to making that happen. Step one. Site location. Unless you are creating a garden of shade loving flowers, you’ll… Click here to read more…
Powdery Mildew on Peonies
Powdery mildew is one of the most commonly found fungal problems affecting plants. This fungus typically appears as a white or grayish powder on the leaves and stems of affected plants. It affects a wide variety of deciduous plants. Beebalm and phlox have always been common to infection, but in recent years we’re seeing more… Click here to read more…
Potting or Planting Rooted Cuttings
Potting or planting rooted cuttings. What to do with cuttings after they are rooted. I get this question a lot; “Mike, once my cuttings are rooted, what do I do with them?” You have two options. 1. You can plant them in a bed and grow them from there. 2. You can put them in… Click here to read more…
Rooting Cuttings Successfully in Sand.
Rooting Cuttings Successfully in Sand. In this post I want to show you how easy it is to root cuttings in sand, using the techniques that I recommend. For a while there, during the growing season, we were shooting a “Mondays with Mike” video for our members. The videos that we shot in this 30-day… Click here to read more…
Is Roundup Safe to Use or Not?
Obviously this article is about Roundup and whether or not it’s safe to use around your home or farm. But first . . . I am asking for your support because . . . I am about to be slammed to the ground, kicked, punched and pummeled with rocks just for writing this. I have… Click here to read more…
Japanese Beetle Traps? Do they Work?
Urrrrrrrg! Japanese Beetles, what can we do about them? Okay kids, today we are going to talk about Japanese Beetles, how to control them and which methods of control really work. Like Japanese Beetle traps, do they really work? I’ll get to that, but first let’s cover some basics. In order to beat the enemy,… Click here to read more…
Making Cuttings with the Grandkids.
Mondays with Mike. This week . . . Donkeys. Since we shot this videos the Donkeys have a greatly expanded pen and lots of new grass to eat. They’re happy. I no longer have to tie them out so they can eat a little grass. Just getting ready to stick cuttings. Trying out the grand… Click here to read more…
Vinca Flower
What is commonly referred to as vinca, can be found as both an annual and perennial…but they are not the same plant. Let me explain: Perennial vinca (sometimes called periwinkle or creeping myrtle) can be found in two basic forms: Vinca minor and Vinca major. Vinca major is slightly bigger, slightly less cold hardy and… Click here to read more…
How to water small pots and other plants in the yard, garden or nursery.
Welcome to this issue of “Mondays with Mike”. We do this series for our backyard growers but are happy to share them with anybody that has an interest. Lots and lots of things for you to pay attention to in this video. 1. Our New Potting Area I reconfigured our potting area to take advantage… Click here to read more…
Growing Plants in Containers (Pots), Controlling Weeds.
Growing plants in containers is a fairly easy as long as you have a Really Good Potting Mix and you have a means of controlling weeds in your nursery containers. In this version of “Mondays with Mike” I am going to show you what to put under your containers to keep the weeds down and… Click here to read more…
Hardwood Cuttings, Softwood Cuttings, Plant Selling Success.
This is from our “Mondays with Mike” Series. Of February 2nd of 2014 I posted This about Doing Hardwood Cuttings in the Dead of Winter. Beautiful winter photos, bitter cold! It got down to -15 degrees F. here in Ohio and we had many other days well below zero. How in the world can you… Click here to read more…
Why Rhododendrons Fail to Grow and Two Super Hardy Rhododendrons for Cold Climates.
All the time people say to me; “Rhododendrons don’t do well or grow for me.” Right here and now I’ll tell you why that is so and how to fix it. Why so many people have problems with Rhododendrons in their landscape. Believe it or not, Rhododendrons and Azaleas are quite easy to grow and… Click here to read more…
How To Keep Cats Out of Garden
Meet Dave. Dave was a friendly stray who liked to hang out at a local restaurant and pester customers for their leftovers. Dave is actually a girl. She was named after the owner of the restaurant she frequented. (We knew she was female, but decided to call her Dave anyway.) Now days… Click here to read more…
Backyard Nursery Tools of the Trade.
Over the winter I spent some time building/inventing a few things that I needed to make the nursery run smoother and my life easier. Some of these are interesting, some are kind of boring, but here they are. Originally this was my “Famous Legless Potting Bench” but once I bought a frontend loader it was… Click here to read more…
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