Let’s start with . . . what exactly is a Heirloom seed? Heirloom seeds come from plants that are really old like me, even older really. I was born in 1956, most or all heirloom seeds come from plants that were being actively grown prior to 1951. Why 1951? What’s so significant about that? I… Click here to read more…
How to Make 65¢ per Square Inch in Your Backyard.
65¢ Per Square Inch. That’s $93.60 in One Square Foot! And you can do it over and over and over. Does the idea of growing and selling small plants in your backyard seem like an intimidating venture for you? I know for a lot of people it does because they look at what I am… Click here to read more…
Using Predator Pee (Urine) to Keep Unwanted Animals Out of Your Gardens.
Keeping unwanted animals out of the garden can be a challenge and I hear from people all the time who have this problem. Those of us who Make Money Growing Small Plants often use sand in our plant propagation areas and all too often neighborhood cats think these propagation areas are great big litter boxes…. Click here to read more…
Protecting Plants from Frost
As a gardener there are a lot of things that you can do to protect your flowering shrubs and fruit bearing trees and shrubs from frost damage in the early spring. Of course the size of the plants determines how much you can do and be successful. Frost is the quiet enemy that looks in… Click here to read more…
Fruit Trees that Fail to Make Fruit.
Do you have a fruit tree or trees in your yard that just don’t seem to know how to make fruit? Are you frustrated with your fruit trees and their lack of adequate fruit production? I know it can be frustrating, but here’s the deal… Fruit trees are programed at birth to be robotic fruit-producing… Click here to read more…
How to Trim Fruit Trees
Trimming fruit trees is not that difficult, nor do you have to be an expert to do a nice job trimming your fruit trees. All you need are the right tools, and a basic understanding of what the tree needs, and what you need as the person who will harvest the fruit. Timing. When is… Click here to read more…
Saving Snow Damaged Japanese Maples and other trees and shrubs.
Damage to our favorite trees and shrubs can happen. Sometimes the damage is the result of heavy snow fall, sometimes an animal, large dog, horse pony, donkey whatever it might be, decides to eat part of a tree, or small trees are often physically damaged by kids cars or other means. Recently somebody wrote to… Click here to read more…
Grafting Japanese Maple Trees Made Easy!
“How to” DVD Now Available. Graft Your Own Beautiful Japanese Maples at Home! Japanese maple trees are by far some of the most beautiful and the most desired plants in gardens around the world. Those who have them love them, those who don’t covet them. But in garden stores they can be pricey! And the… Click here to read more…
Top 10 Gardening Tools
Here is a list of the top 10 gardening tools you should have in your shed.Hand trowels are a gardening staple. They can be used to dig holes, transplant seedlings, pull weeds and plant bulbs. All gardens require water. Whether you are using your hose for drip irrigation or just attaching a soaker nozzle, a… Click here to read more…
10 Reasons Not To Be Afraid Of Garden Spiders
Garden spiders are not aggressive. They are much, much more likely to run than to attack. They are typically found in gardens, meadows and clearings….not in your bed. If you do happen to find a garden spider in your house, its most likely in search of disease carrying flies. There are approximately 120 known species… Click here to read more…
Plant Tying Techniques.
Here’s an easy way to tie up plants in your yard and garden. A few days ago I was walking through the hardware store when this stuff caught my eye. It’s called Soft Wire Tire and basically, it’s rubber coated wire. You can use it to tie up your plants without damaging them because it’s… Click here to read more…
Charlie’s Locally Grown Plants of Kansas City
You Can Make Money Growing and Selling Small Plants! Click here for details. Kansas City, KS Charlie’s Locally Grown Plants of Kansas City We are located in Kansas City, Kansas near the famous Legends shopping area off Interstate 435 west. We have many quality plants for sale for the very reasonable price of $4.97, there… Click here to read more…
The Easy Digger
The Easy Digger gets a big thumbs up from Mike McGroarty! I first came across this handy gardening tool a number of years ago, then my Easy Digger somehow went missing as often happens with gardening tools. At least my tools often go missing! Anyway, I really, really like the easy digger. It is by… Click here to read more…
Plant Propagation via Tissue Culture
Plant Propagation via Tissue Culture is the most modern and scientific method of propagating new plants. Plant propagation via tissue culture is a form of micro propagation where tiny pieces of plant tissue are used to produce exact clones of the plant from which the tissue originated. In the nursery business many plants are not… Click here to read more…
Japanese Maples and Sex
Let’s have a straight talk about Japanese Maples and Sex because . . . Somebody asked. Actually her question was, if Japanese maples are so easy to grow from seed, and they are, why do they have to be grafted? That’s a really smart question. In a nutshell, what I am about to explain is… Click here to read more…
How to Graft Japanese Maple Trees.
Japanese Maple Grafting DVD, three people get it free! Discover how to grow beautiful Japanese maples like this at home! Grafting your own Japanese maple trees really isn’t difficult to do once you know how. The actual act of grafting is easy, but there are a lot of little things that determine how successful… Click here to read more…
A Nifty Tool: The Gama Hoe
This little tool doesn’t really look like much, but this is one of the most amazing little tools that I’ve ever used for weeding. You can even use it for digging small plants. It’s call a Gama Hoe. This little Gama Hoe is my new best friend. Where can you buy… Click here to read more…
Mike McGroarty’s Savings Account
This is the Order Button, click here now! You should spend the rest of your life doing what I do. I grow small plants that make other people happy. Do you know why I’m typing this in purple? Because I can’t figure out how to get rid of the stupid purple! I need to… Click here to read more…
Amending Garden Soil
When to Amend Garden Soil and When Not to. The two types of garden soil that really need to be amended the most are clay soil and sandy soil. Clay needs to be amended to loosen it up. The roots of plants need to have the ability to transfer oxygen through the soil to the… Click here to read more…
Pink Dogwood Trees $3.50 each.
Seems impossible right? Pink Dogwood trees for $3.50 each? It is possible! One of our Backyard Growers Business Center members advertised some Pink Dogwood trees for sale and she sold out in 20 minutes! 20 minutes, completely sold out. So guess what? She called her supplier and ordered 1,000 Pink Dogwoods so she’d have more… Click here to read more…
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