Roger and Venice are Long Time Members of Our Backyard Growers Business Center which is why his nursery is being featured here. My name is Roger Higgins. Owner, propagator, and head weed puller here at Roger’s Backyard Nursery. Located smack dab in the middle of downtown Cranesville, Pennsylvania. Don’t be afraid, we’re a 1 blinker… Click here to read more…
Search Results for: hydrangeas
CC’s Backyard Nursery LLC, Wauseon Ohio
CC’s Backyard Nursery LLC is located at 11820 county road L Wauseon Ohio 43567. We are a wholesale / retail propagation nursery growing your landscaping plants right here on site in northwest Ohio. We’re near Wauseon, Delta and Lyons approximately 1.5 miles west of an unincorporated town Winameg named after Chief Winameg. For those in… Click here to read more…
Non Patented, Public Domain Plants that You Should Be Free to Propagate.
Disclaimer: You must do your due diligence! With the help of many of Our Members we have compiled a list of plants that are not patented and appear to be in the public domain. However, we here at McGroarty Enterprises Inc. have not verified every plant on this list. It is your responsibility as a… Click here to read more…
Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangea, Hydrangea paniculata ‘Renhy’
This is a panicle hydrangea, in the P.G. Hyrdrangea family. P.G. means paniculata grandifloria P.G. Hydrangeas are Often Trained into Tree Form so I’m sure the same can be done with Vanilla Strawberry. Hardy in zones 3 to 8 this plant has pretty wide appeal across the U.S. It grows from a height of 6′… Click here to read more…
Growing, Rooting and Propagating Dappled Willow in Tree Form from Cuttings.
The easiest and most predictable way to grow Dapple Willow, Salix integra ‘Hakuro Nishiki’, from cuttings is to do them as Hardwood Cuttings in the Winter. They can be done as Softwood Cuttings in the Summer, but that can be a bit tricky. But as hardwood cuttings they are very easy to root. Plants in… Click here to read more…
Free Pruning Shears, Free Memberships!
We are having two Drawings. Details on how to enter the contest are at the bottom of the page. On January 3rd, 2017 we’ll draw two names for the pruning shears. We are giving away two pair of these Corona Pruning Shears. These are the exact shears that we use a Mike’s Plant Farm to… Click here to read more…
The Ten Minute Plant Show.
In Our Members Area we are always discussing new and interesting ways to sell more plants. Many people live in an area where it’s just not feasible to invite a bunch of people to their house for a plant sale, so they are always looking for new ideas. This simple idea starts with a simple… Click here to read more…
Rooting Cuttings in December and January.
It’s really cold and snowy here in northern Ohio in December so that means no gardening right? Wrong! Here’s at Mike’s Plant Farm we have been crazy busy making and sticking cuttings. Indoors right? Nope! Outside. The bed on left are cuttings Hardwood Cuttings that we’ve stuck between November 15th and December 10th. These are… Click here to read more…
Forever Pink Hydrangea
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Forever Pink’ I love this hydrangea! I bought 200 rooted cuttings for 55¢ each, potted them up in mid-May and by mid-summer they had flushed out and were blooming like crazy. I didn’t get these two photos until September so by that time the blooms were going away, wish I had gotten the… Click here to read more…
The One Gallon Plant Conspiracy.
This is a huge opportunity as far as I’m concerned. Seriously, I truly believe that this could be really big. Okay, so maybe it’s not really a conspiracy, but it’s close to that. I’ve been working in the green industry for a long time. Since 1972 I believe. Back then it was really, really… Click here to read more…
Gardening in January, No Matter Where You Live.
Crazy right? Gardening in the dead of winter, even if you live in a cold, northern state? It’s not crazy and there are actually things work better now than they do during the growing season. What if I told you that you could make hundreds of “Free Plants”, right now, in January? Trust me, if… Click here to read more…
Pruning plants in the nursery before winter.
Many of the flowering shrubs that we grow are vigorous growers and we want them to look fantastic when it’s time to sell them. The only way that can happen is if we keep them pruned so they look good. When I’m doing the pruning things get cut back really hard. I mean really hard! … Click here to read more…
Moving a Large Laceleaf, Weeping Japanese Maple Tree.
I’ve had this beautiful Laceleaf Weeping Japanese Maple in my landscape for years. The variety is ‘Waterfall’. But eventually it out grew the bed that it was in. It was encroaching the sidewalk on two sides. Pruning it to keep it from blocking the walkway would have ruined the shape of the tree. Then I… Click here to read more…
Annabelle Hydrangea Propagation, How to Root Cuttings
Looking for a plant to grow and sell that is crazy popular, super easy to grow and sells like hotcakes? Annabelle Hydrangea is that plant. People love Annabelle Hydrangea because of the great big snowball type blooms. The Hydrangea that never fails to bloom. Annabelle never fails to bloom because unlike many other hydrangeas,… Click here to read more…
Huge Plant Sale this Weekend!
Mike’s Plant Farm 4850 North Ridge Road, Perry, Ohio 44081 2,463 plants must be sold this weekend, only $5.97 each while they last! Here we go! This is Whack-a-Doodle Crazy selling plants at such a low price but we’ve got plants everywhere and I do mean everywhere! I have to reduce the number of plants… Click here to read more…
Huge Plant Sale this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Sept 18th, 19th and 20th!
Mike’s Plant Farm 4850 North Ridge Road, Perry, Ohio 44081 2,463 plants must be sold this weekend, only $5.97 each while they last! Here we go! This is Whack-a-Doodle Crazy selling plants at such a low price but we’ve got plants everywhere and I do mean everywhere! I have to reduce the number of plants… Click here to read more…
Starting a Backyard Nursery in August
If you are starting your backyard nursery in August, there are a number of things you should be concentrating on. In the next 8 to 12 weeks there will be some deals on rooted cuttings and liners on the Backyard Growers Business Center Buy/Sell board. If you buy them now and just plant them in… Click here to read more…
Tips for Growing and Producing Flowers on Hydrangea
Hydrangea macrophylla, the pink and blue hydrangea are commonly known as Big Leaf or Mophead. Most of these bloom in July or August in either blue or pink, although a few varieties are white. If you have pink blooms and would like them to be blue, simply amend the soil with aluminum sulfate. Your local… Click here to read more…
25 Full Shade Plants that Will Look Great in Your Yard
Remember back in grade school when your teacher gave you a dixie cup full of dirt? You planted a flower seed, kept the cup in the window and watered it each day. Your flower sprouted, grew and bloomed. Then you carefully brought it home for Mother’s Day. (For many of us, it didn’t survive the… Click here to read more…
Why Rhododendrons Fail to Grow and Two Super Hardy Rhododendrons for Cold Climates.
All the time people say to me; “Rhododendrons don’t do well or grow for me.” Right here and now I’ll tell you why that is so and how to fix it. Why so many people have problems with Rhododendrons in their landscape. Believe it or not, Rhododendrons and Azaleas are quite easy to grow and… Click here to read more…