How to Grow Clematis Clematis has a rich history traced as far back as the 17th century when they were first introduced from China to Japanese Gardens. In time, selected clematis varieties journeyed to European gardens in the 18th century. They have long been prized for their showy flower displays and are wonderful climbers for… Click here to read more…
Backyard Landscape Design Ideas, what plants to use where.
A few days ago I gave you some landscape design strategies in this post, and today I have a few more ideas for you. At the nursery I decided to dig out an area where we could set our small pots. Great idea, but that left me with a mountain of dirt that you can… Click here to read more…
Landscaping Ideas. What Plant Goes Where in the Landscape?
What does it take to create a nice, attractive landscape planting? What is the number one thing that many people do wrong? The secret to an attractive landscape design is you have to be bold and daring. Take off your “conservative” hat and toss it in the fire pit! What do most people do wrong?… Click here to read more…
We Landscaped the Old House
We got the old house landscaped, we’ve got our sign posts up, no sign so we hung up some rubber chickens (long story), the landscaping around the sign is done and the pile of dirt from last week’s video is now a beautiful landscape planting.
Re-Landscape Your House
Wanted! People who would like to make money at home growingand selling small plants like this. Click here for the amazing story.
Landscape Design Ideas
Landscape Design Tips
Landscape design tips to help you transform your boring yard into a beautifully designed work of art!