You Can Make Money Growing and Selling
Small Plants! Click here for details.
Conyers, Georgia Backyard Nursery (near Atlanta)
$4.97 Plant sale! 3,350 gallon pots!
Varieties of Butterfly bush, Spirea, Weigela, Hydrangea, Fragrant Tea Olive, Viburnums, Red Buckeye, Lantana, Forsythia, Azalea, Rose of Sharon, Sedum, Crape Myrtles, Abelia, Loropetalum, Tulip tree, Red Chokeberry (Aronia), Spirea, Summer sweet (Clethra), Fothergilla, Lespedeza, Indigo plant, Roses, Soft Touch and Sky Pencil Holly, Beauty Berry, Nandina Fire Power & Heavenly Bamboo, Burning Bush, Witch Hazel, Red bud Trees, Tulip Poplar, Ginkgo, Spring blooming Magnolias, Honeysuckle, Hardy Hibiscus, Daylilies, Mock Orange, Black Eyed Susan, Shasta Daisy, Salvia, Cone Flower,Swamp Sun Flower, Phlox, Daffodils, Tulips, Iris, Creeping Rosemary, Junipers,….and many more!!!
Shade plants : Lenten Rose, Hosta, Anise, Sweetbox, Japanese Red Maples,Dogwoods, Gardenia, Hydrangea, Heuchera, Vinca, Ivy.
Evergreen Hedge trees: Leyland & Murray cypress, Thuja green Giant, Japanese Cedar
Fruit plants: varieties of Blueberry, Thornless Blackberry, Raspberry,Grapes,Strawberry…
Fruit trees ideal for growing in Georgia and neighboring states: Figs, Pomegranates, Peaches, Apples, Plums, Pears, Persimmon.
Specialty plants in larger sizes-
Red and Pink Dogwoods, Japanese Maples, Weeping Mulberry trees, Weeping Cherry trees , Weeping Red bud (lavender Twist), Knockout Roses,Chinese Snowball Viburnums, Purple Smoke Trees, Weeping Willows, Golden Andorra juniper, Oakleaf Hydrangea,Hardy Hibiscus, Crape Myrtles, White fringe tree, Camellia… name just a few!
We also ship our plants and especially thousands of the evergreen hedge trees every year to nurseries and private homes in different states. Our plants are beautiful and our rates are reasonable. TRY US!
2024 McDaniel Mill Road
Conyers, GA-30094
We are very near the Stone Crest Mall on 1-20 East.
Phone 770 679 5125
Email: [email protected]
Our 3 acre Nursery and Home are both in the same premises, so our hours are very flexible. Just call and make an appointment any day, any time.
We accept Visa/MC/Discover, Cash or Paypal
Mention, you found us at Mike’s -and you get a 10%discount. Come see us-we can help you chose the right plants for your garden.
Georgia Backyard Nursery
1497 plants must be sold! Iron Rock Farms
Blueberry plants for sale!!!
We specialize in plants for southern regions; Rabbiteye Blueberry Plants–mostly Brightwells with pollinizers Powderblue, Premier or Austins are available at the unbelieveable price of $4.97 for gallon-size plants. Compare big-box-store prices of $10.97-$10.99 for gallon sized plants. Three gallon size available for $9.97; hurry–only 895 available at this price…
Rabbiteye blueberry plants are suitable for planting zones 7-9; some websites recommend zone 6, as well. Plant two varieties for cross-pollinization to help fruit set better and increase production. Plants will be shipped now through February/mid-March via USPS shipping based on actual size and weight of your package.
Contact us at [email protected] for ordering or additional information. Please note: we do not have plants for colder climates nor are our plants patented–feel free to grow your own plants from your initial order!
Order your plants now for berry production this year!
Douglas, Georgia – Southeast GA
Vincent Gardens $4.97 Plant Sale!!
“Beautifying Our World with Wildlife in Mind”
Over 3,000 plus plants ready to be planted!
We, at Vincent Gardens, a family-owned online mail order nursery specialize in growing plants that attract hummingbirds and butterflies to the garden. Our nursery is stocked full of host and nectar plants for butterflies, hummingbirds, drought tolerant perennials, woody ornamental shrubs, & trees.
Live Nearby? Ready to Plant Now?
We are open 24/7 online, or by appointment.
Come by and see us to pick up your order!
We have ‘Open House Sales’ on Friday & Saturday during the months of April, May, October and November. Just shoot me an email, or give us a call for up and coming sales. We’d love to have you!
Our specialty plant is Salvia, and our collection is now over 75 + stock plants in colors of red, pink, fuchsia, purple, red orange just to name a few. Salvia’s are wonderful nectar plants for butterflies, bees and hummingbirds.
Want Perennials? Choose from Asclepias Milkweed, Baptisia, Cuphea, Diplictera Firecracker, Lantana, Lepechinia False Salvia, Leucophyllum Texas Sage, Lobelia, Monarda Gardenview Scarlet, Verbena, Veronica, and many more…
Want Flowering Shrubs? Choose from Abelia Little Richard, Red Buckeye, Almond Verbena, Aniscanthus Hummingbird Bush, Butterfly Bushes (in white, pinks, bicolor, purple, & yellow), Beautyberry, Red Bottlebrush, Yellow Cassia, Clethra Pepperbush, Clerodendrum Blue Butterfly, Hamelia Mexican Fire Bush, Gardenia, Jasmine, Lochroma Red & Royal Blue, Firespike Red, Spicebush, Spiraea, Vitex Shoal Creek, Weigela Red Prince, and many more.
Roses: Home Run Knock Out.
Want Trees? Choose from Dogwood, Fringe, Maple, Hop, Tulip Poplar, Sawtooth Oak, Toothache, Sassafras, Flowering Cherry and many more. Evergreen choose from Leyland Cypress, Green Giant and hollies.
Want Fruit? Choose from Apples, Plums, Peaches, Persimmon Fuyu, PawPaw, Crabapple, Blackberries, Raspberries, Grapes, Figs, Pomegranate, Mayhaw, Pears, and Blueberries (available-in-season… early spring, or fall only).
Want Citrus? Choose from Grapefruit-Marsh Seedless, Kumquat-Meiwa sweet, Kumquat-Nagami tart, Lemon-Myers, Lemon-Yuzu, Manderin Ordange-Seedless Kishu, Orange-Calamondin, Orange-Cara Cara Navel, Orange-Parent Washington, Navel Orangequat-Nippon, Satsuma-Frost Owari Mandarin, Satsuma-Miho Wase Mandarin (available-in-season… early spring, or fall only).
Please note that our specialty plants, and larger container sizes, are priced higher – but, still a great deal. And not all plants in our inventory are listed on our website. Looking for a special plant as a gift? Let us help… We’ll ship to your loved-one at no extra charge.
There’s one thing that I must warn you about… My passion to talk, and especially about gardening! So, if we ever do get a chance to chat, then I sure hope that you have some spare time to jabber with me about gardening. I do love to share what I have learned through my trials and errors of gardening. I can, surely, advise you of what not to do! Maybe, I can save you from making some of the same mistakes that I made… I may not know all of the answers, nor know how to pronounce all of the Latin names of each plant. But, I will share, help, and explain all that I can, so that you will have success in your gardening endeavors.
Mention, that you found us at Mike’s Backyard Nursery. And, you’ll get one FREE $4.97 PLANT with your purchase.
Growers, landscapers and landscape designers are welcome to purchase wholesale with live plant license and sale tax id. Happy Gardening!!
Donna Vincent (912-381-0644)
[email protected]
Milledgeville, Georgia Backyard Nursery (near Macon)
For the best selection of plants in Georgia’s Lake County, come see the thousands of container trees and shrubs at T-Bone’s Nursery in Milledgeville.
Our famous $4.97 sale yard is full of assorted 1-gallon container plants, including azaleas, butterfly bushes, crape myrtles, and many more! For our Backyard Growers customers, mention this ad from Mike to get 1 free plant for every 5 purchased in the sale yard.
We also carry a wide variety of:
– Shade Trees
– Fruit Trees
– Evergreens
– Japanese Maples
– Crape Myrtles
– An incredible variety of container plants from 4″ pots to 30-gallon trees!
More than just a backyard operation, we are a full-fledged garden center with mulches, topsoil, and other products for the home gardener. As a retail/wholesale nursery, T-Bone’s is is also your source for a wide selection of ornamental grasses. We now ship quality grass liners to most states.
Looking for help with a landscape design? Whether you just need some advice, a plan to implement as homeowners, or a plan with a turnkey installation, T-Bone’s Nursery is the place to come for landscape design in middle Georgia. Owner Tom Drew and landscape architect Kyle Burgamy have years of experience in creating beautiful outdoor spaces.
Come see us at:
327 Meriweather Rd.
Milledgeville, GA 31061
We’re just 2.7 miles off Hwy 441, near the new Milledgeville Kroger.
Phone: 478-968-0002
Email: [email protected]
Winter hours: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Mon. – Sat.
The BackYard Nursery in Winston, GA
4,567 Plants Must Be Sold !!!! $4.97 Plant Sale!!!
We have thousands of plants & need room for all of the “Baby Plants” we’re growing!!!
Choose from: Azalea, Acuba, Arborvitae, Golden Euonymus, Burning Bush, Camellia
False Cypress : Cripssi” & “Gold Mop”, Hydrangea, Hosta & Japanese Maples, plus many, many more!
Our price this year has been lowered to Just $ 4.97, for these “Landscape Ready” plants.
The BackYard Nursery has embarked upon a unique approach in the nursery industry.
We decided to propagate & grow a wide variety of landscape plants taking advantage
of high density container & bed production techniques.
Our pricing has some in the nursery industry exclaiming “They are Crazy”!
The plants in the retail stores& garden centers, started out as ” Baby Plants” or liners at a growers farm. 2-3 years later the plants are larger & cost you much more!
In the industry as the plant grows larger, you have to pay a higher price.
Each season, the plants that have not been sold & have grown larger, are re-planted in
larger containers. We then price these larger plants, now here is the “CRAZY” part,
they are , AT THE SAME PRICE as last season. In fact we have only one price for our
“Landscape Ready” plants…$ 4.97
We may be “CRAZY” , but not totally out of our minds. When plants get really big we do raise the price to to $ 9.97
These methods provide The BackYard Nursery the opportunity to sell our “BABY PLANTS” at lower prices to home gardeners or independent landscapers, most are less than $ 2.98!
“Landscape Ready” plants are available at our location, Which is truly,
We do not have the expense of a retail store building or regular store hours.
We are in the “Nursery” most afternoons & all day weekends & holidays.
Please feel free to call anytime for directions or questions regarding availability of your favorite plant.
Phone: 770-942-6955
Cell: 404-451-3508
e-mail: [email protected]
You Can Make Money Growing and Selling
Small Plants! Click here for details.
Cartersville, “Bekers Garden Center”
We offer thousands of landscape plants to choose from for only $4.97 each!
Crape myrtles, Butterfly bushes, Rose creek abelia, Neon flash spirea, Goldflame spirea, Fragrant tea olive, Autumn joy sedum, Rose of sharon, Weigela, Japanese barberry rose glow, Nandina fire power, Burning bush, Japanese red maple trees, Ligustrum jack frost, Dwarf pampas grass, Euonymus, Jasmine, Gardenias and much more.
We also have great prices on larger plants, trees, evergreens and hanging baskets.
Sangu kaku japanese maple trees, White dogwoods, Green giant arborvitae, Leyland cypress, Glowing ember trees, Junipers, Willow trees, Spider plants, Creeping Charlies and many more varieties!
We invite you to come buy and visit with us. Enjoy the many colorful flowers in bloom and greenery as you browse our three acres filled with the joy and beauty of nature….
We open on April 15, 2012 – Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. You can also schedule a private visit by calling us at 770-386-0940 or e-mail at [email protected]
Our home is located 30 minutes North of Atlanta in Bartow county. We are near the Tellus museum.
610 Euharlee Rd. S.W.
Cartersville, GA 30120.
I’m looking to buy:
: 6 -7 eastern red cedar/juniper for sale as large as viable for a home owner to plant
3-4 native hazelnuts ( American species (C. americana and C. cornuta )
2-3 cherry trees.(sweet)
Does anyone in or near Atlanta have mature chinese fringe trees, the larger purplish ones (zhuzhou loropetalum)? I’m looking for several to create a natural privacy fence. Thanks, Matt
Did you find your zhuzhou loropetalum around Atlanta? We are looking for a nursery as well since we need a bunch to create our natural fence as well…
I lived in Pell City, Alabama, just off I-20. I am looking for a weeping Holly in a 15 G size. Do you have any? If not, do you think you would have one in the Spring of next year?
I would love to see your garden. Could you please give me some directions from I-20 on the Alabama/ Georgia Line
I am in need of 15 gallon container Leyland cypress 6-7′
amount 200-300 thank you
Hi, Mike,
Just saw your website info while checking out “need to know” basis for growing my blueberry plants! Great to see your contact info on Google’s Top Ten page…
I was wondering if anyone had any pistacio trees that might work in the middle Georgia area. Having so many pecan trees in the area, I thought that this might make an interesting change in the local grown nut availability. I know it took much work with the trees to get them to live and produce well in California, but I was wondering if it could be done down here.
Hi, Soilsister Designs, my landscaping business, is located in Worth County, very close to Albany. I also have a small nursery where I sell lots of different plants. Very good prices, of course. I also go to our local flea market on most saturdays, Kitty’s. Call me for info or email. 229-777-0337 [email protected]
Hey Old Pal, I just saw your name on Mike’s website. I always have pots. Do you want me to save pots for you?
Yes I need pots this is my email address [email protected] lets make some arrangements. Thanks a million
Do you have Japanese Maples? If yes, I’d love to know your prices for seedlings/small trees. I am near Albany, GA.
Thank you,
Paige Ellis
I am considering starting up a backyard nursery through Mike’s program just southwest of Atlanta. What kind of time frame should I expect to get up and running? I would really like to hear from you Georgia affiliates. Any info would be great. Thanks.
If you start a backyard nursery right now you can be up and running in a matter of weeks depending on what approach you take. You can start buying plants immediately and be selling and propagation them in a matter of weeks. I encourage new members to start selling even a few plants right away because it gives you a feel for how much of a demand there really is for small plants. Get started now.
any back yard nersery’s near southwest georgia?
I am a backyard nursery located near Albany. I have perennials mostly but am about to have annuals, vegies at very reasonable prices.
Please send me info regarding pricing, size and availability of vegetables, including tomatoes
I have sold all of my vegetables, but can get you some, if you would like. Sell for 2/$1.00….
Where exactly are you located? I am also a backyard nursery located in Eufaula, AL. I have just started this year and have about 750 – 800 shrubs and trees. I lived in Albany for about 30 years. My wife taught at Albany Middle, and I was band director at McIntosh. I still use a doctor in Albany and get over that way often. I would like to see your nursery on my next trip over. I shall appreciate your response. Thank you, Marcus Mulkey
Sounds like you have a big nursery. Mine is not that large, and I don’t have many shrubs or trees. Do you propogate them or buy wholesale? I need wholesalers in south ga that I can buy from. thanks, Jil
I’m a plant collector,propagating merely along assorted things. What do you need in S. W. Ga?
Sure Adel
I am interested in some good varieties of pecan trees; and some black bamboo…Can you help?
Thanks much …Larry
Hi Larry, Where are you located? We would be more than happy to help you find what you’re looking for. Thanks for posting, Donna Vincent