You Can Make Money Growing and Selling
Small Plants! Click here for details.
North Windham, Connecticut Backyard Nursery
Inner Feelings Nursery, Etc.
Sale starts May 15th through Oct 30th.
Stop by and take a look at the gallon pots that sell for only $4.97.
Choose from Pink, Red or Variegated Weigela, Lilac, Pussy willow, Burning bush, Oak leaf Hydrangea, Pink, Red and white Hydrangea, Corkscrew willow, Hosta, Dapple Willow, Coralberry, Pink flowering Almond, Red flowering Quince, Grasses , Gold flame spire a, Chinese dogwood, Golden globe abbreviate, burning bush, Rose of Sharon, Butterfly bush, Crape Myrtle, Tulip tree, Pee Gee Hydrangea , Azaleas .Forsythia, Naking cherry, Deutzia, Red twig Dogwood. Lilac, Clethra, Trumpet Vein, Emerald gaiety euonymus and Dapple willow. Just to name a few.
Plus Plenty of Perennials.
Small Japanese Red Maples for $4.97
Also Large Grafted Japanese Maples $29.95
This is a hobby that has gotten out of hand. Now I have over 1500 plant that need to be sold. Stop by and take a look. You will be amazed.
We’re located at :
8 Jessie Lane
No. Windham, CT. 06256
(860) 423-4588
[email protected]
Hi Charlene,
I am looking for 5 rose of Sharon’s- in lavender. Would you have them in stock? And can you tell me what hrs/days your open since it would take me around 1.5 hrs to get there. Thanks so much.
Hi-Am searching for a small lions mane japanese maple -would you have one or know where I might find one? Thank you for any help aquiring one. John & Colleen
I have a few Lion’s Head, same thing I believe. But I don’t ship any plants and it’s here in Perry, Ohio 44081
Are you open now (July)? Do you have much inventory left?
Hi MaryAnn. I have about 1200 plants. I am having a sale this weekend July 26-28 9-3
Thank you
Hi, I’m in New Fairfield about how far away are you? Do I need to call before I come in order to buy? Thank You. Pinky Nathans.
Hi Pauline. I am about an hour and a half from you. I am haveing a sale this weekend July 26-28 9-3
860 423-4588
thank you
Do you happen to sell Pee Gee Hydrangea trees or large bushes?
Maureen, I do sell Pee Gee Hydrangea, but mine are about a foot tall. Most of my shrubs are the same. Sorry, I can’t help you on real lg bushes. Thank you for the interest.
Hi Sue. I will be opening in May, Maybe end of April. Give me a call and we can make arrangements when you want to come.
Thank you
Sue Williams I will be open in May, maybe April depending on our weather. Give me a call at the end of April and we can make arrangement for you to stop over.
thank you
Could you provide your hours of operation. I would be traveling from Southeastern Massachusetts.
Susan, Currently I am not open for retail sales, but thanks for asking.
Sue. Give me a call as we get closer to Spring. I start out with a 2 day sale you might be interested in. Otherwise call and we can make arrangements for you to come over.
Thank you
thank you again
Are you open now or are you only open starting May? I live in Canterbury.
Hi sue. I am a backyard grower. You can stop by anytime, but a good idea to call first. Having a sale this weekend July 26-28 9-3
Thank you