South Carolina Backyard Nurseries
Greenville, South Carolina
Debs Backyard Garden $4.97 plant sale!
Located in the heart of Greenville, South Carolina. We are a family owned and operated nursery, our focus has always been to grow quality plants at afforable prices. We have many repeat customers with our 4.97 sale.
Here are some of the plants we offer. Butterfly bushes, japanese maples, dogwoods, burning bushes, Royal star magnolias, rose of sharon, ligustrum, crape myrtle, spirea, hydrangea, viburnums, Skyrocket junipers, Rhododendres, Corkscrew willow, Nellie stevens, White and yellow forsythias, Prunus ‘Snow showers, Contorted mulberry trees, Vitex chaste trees, Black pussy willows, Red Spider lily, Oleander ‘Red’, Lady banks roses, Many varieties of lilacs, Peonies, leyland cypress. Loropetalum, honeysuckle several varieties, Lantana, snowball viburnum, Black eye susan, Daffodils, Iris…….. and many more perennials.
We ship our plants to nurseries, and residential customers. We ensure fast shipping with priority mail.
Debs Backyard Garden
519 Rockmont rd
Greenville, SC 29615
Phone: 864-609-5211
I have been a grower for about 8yrs, I thought I knew how to grow plants. Most of what I have learned is from Mike. I am forever grateful. The best thing that ever happened to my business is becoming a member on the backyard growers board. Thank you Mike.
Looking for a mulberry tree that doesn’t get too tall , thanks
Looking for persimmon. Can anyone help me.
Deb will you be open tomorrow ?
Our sale for fri april 18th will change because of rain. Hopefully sat we will proceed with sale weather permitting.If you want to call an come out please contact us.
I bought your EASY PLANT PROPAGATION book.
I keep in easy reach at all times. My son
Don has a good size property (90 acres) which
keeps him busy in his spare time. Using a
technique from one of your emails, I built a propagation system and started about 25
Crepe Myrtle and 2 seedless grape cutings.
Don told me last night, they are growing well.
I would like to give my son a copy of the
Thanks for what you do, I get a lot of
pleasure from it.
Dolfis Smith
looking for azaleas for a 100′ hedge. preferbly dwarfs and purple in color. some white as well. can you help. living in st. pauls ,nc. thanks
I am intrested in getting some japanese maples, dogwoods. How do I go about ordering these?
Evelyn, it’s best to contact the sellers that you want to buy from via Email. -Mike McGroarty
We will be opening for our next sale on april 20th 2013. We will have annuals and perennials for sale. Deb
What is the date for your next $4.97 sale?
I live east of you in Duncan SC would like to attend.
Thank you
Our spring sale will be April 13-15.
We will open at 7:00am fri and sat.Sunday we will open at 1:00pm.