Stock plants, rooted cuttings, cuttings, that’s my business.
Up against the donkey fence, I have planted several stock plants to take cuttings from. They are my gold mine. I have Anabelle Hydrangea and Gold Flame Spirea among many others. The Gold Flame Spirea is just a phenomenal plant. It is easy to propagate and it sells like crazy. You can grow it in a bed or in containers.

Annabelle Hydrangea

Container area with thousands of plants
You can see the difference in profit between growing several hundred plants in a bed or a thousand plants in containers in basically the same amount of space. Like I said, it is easier to sell 10 plants at $5.97 than one at $39.00 or more.
Of all the plants I have, I am running very low on Gold Mound Spirea. The members in the Backyard Growers Business Center sold out of every Gold Mound Spirea plant and I couldn’t buy any more. Good for them!
Watch this movie me and Duston made explaining the math of growing plants.
I am curious about some of your advice on using sand to propagate cuttings in. Do you think sand like you find in a river/stream would be good or is it too fine? The ‘play sand’ like you buy from a Home Depot seems to be a bit courser but costs $3.97 per bag whereas I would have an unlimited amount of stream sand available to me. Thanks for your time and efforts!!
The only way to know for sure is to collect some sand, put it in a nursery container with holes in the bottom and start pouring in water. Does the sand allow almost all of the water out, or does the water collect on top of the sand. Coarse sand will act much like a filter, allowing the water to pass through.
Info on poplar cuttings to root and transplant
Look here, and
21 Plants that are Easy to Grow and Sell Like Crazy
The following 21 plants are really easy to grow and they sell like hot cakes. They always have been really good sellers and they always will be really good sellers. And this list is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to plants that you can grow and sell that people want to buy.
1. Forsythia
2. Red Weigela
3. Varigated Weigela
4. Pink Flowering Weigela
5. Red Twig Dogwood
6. Fragrant Viburnums
7. All Flowering Viburnums
8. Potentilla
9. Dappled Willow
10. Pussy Willow
11. Daylillies
12. Hosta
13. Huchera
14. All kinds of Perennials
15. Armeria
16. Boxwood
17. Japanese Hollies
18. English Hollies
19. Rhododendrons
20. PJM Dwarf Rhododendron
21. Hydrangeas
22. Rose of Sharon
23. Dwarf Alberta Spruce
24. White Dogwood trees
25. Chinese Dogwoods
26. Blue Rug Juniper
27. Gold Flame Spirea
28. Gold Mound Spirea
29. Ornamental Grasses of all kinds
30. Crimson Pygmy Barberry
31. Rosy Glow Barberry
Okay, that’s 31 and I could go on forever.
Here are some plants for warmer zones, 8,9, and 10
Fragrant Tea Olive,
Palm trees
Tropical Hibiscus
Burgundy Chinese Fringe Flower
Owari & Hamlin Oranges
Azalea (out the wazoo down here)
Crepe Myrtle (ditto)
hybrids such as Blossom Peacock and Papillo
Japanese Pieris
Star gazer lilies
Crape Myrtles of all kinds
Gardenia varieties-evergreen
Azalea varieties-evergreen & deciduous(native)
Camellia varieties-evergreen
Fragrant Tea Olive-evergreen
Nandina varieties-evergreen
Loropetalum/Chinese fringe flowers
Chase Tree
Abelia -so many new exciting varieties -good for zones 6-10!
Burning Bush/ Euonymus varieties…
Spirea -especially Bridalwreath, Little Princess, Goldmound…
Butterfly Bushes
Jasmines (vines-Carolina, Confederate)
Confederate Rose
Lady Banks Rose
Anise (check out Florida Sunshine)
Holly-Soft Touch/Sky Pencil/Youpon/Burfordii….
Crape Myrtles
Japanese Magnolias(Saucer, Betty, Royal Star…)
Southern Magnolias
Red Buds
Japanese Maples
Evergreen hedge trees/shrubs
Leyland Cypress
Japanese Cedar(cryptomeria)
false cypress(Chamaecyparis…)
Junipers-Blue Rug, Sargentii, Blue Point,…
Chinense Pistache
Fruitless Mulberry
Weeping Willow
Live oak
Red oak
Vitex (or Chaste Tree)
Desert Willow
Nellie R Stevens
Wax Myrtle
Red Tip Photinia
Korean Boxwood
Radicans Gardenia
Yaupon Holly
Butterfly Bush
Reeves Spiraea
Van Houtti Spiraea
Honeysuckle (coral)
Star Jasmine