Viburnum x rhytidophylloides ‘Alleghany’
Doesn’t matter if you are looking for a plant to grow and sell or if you are a home owner looking for a different kind of plant for your landscape, the Alleghany Viburnum is an interest and awesome plant.
These are just a few of the highlights of the plant.
- Loaded with clusters of white/yellowish flowers in the spring.
- Loaded with red berries in early fall, then as the berries ripen the clusters of berries become mulit colored from red, to blue to black.
- Excellent plant if you are interested in attracting birds, they love the Alleghany Viburnum berries.
- Amazing dark green textured foliage is a standout in any landscape.
- Hardy zones 5 through 8.
- Loves full sun, also does well in partial shade.
- Easy to grow and care for, tolerates most soil without issue.
Here’s the thing. A really nice landscape is a blend of fine textured plants and coarse textured plants. Fine textured plants are easy, taxus, boxwood, azaleas, gold thread cypress, junipers. But really nice, large leafed plants with true texture? That’s a tough order to fill, but Alleghany Viburnum is perfect!
This is a plant that is extremely easy to sell because it’s different, it attracts birds and it’s not something that everybody and there brother grows and sells.
You could sell these as . . .
- Rooted cuttings.
- Liners. A rooted cutting is exactly as it sounds, a cutting, pretty much a stick, with some leaves and roots on the bottom. A liner is a rooted cutting that has been grown out for one growing season. It is starting to branch out and has a much heavier root system than a rooted cutting.
- I sell a bunch of them at $5.97 each in Our Special Pots. A bit smaller than a one gallon but plenty big enough to support a nice plant and command a price of $5.97 per plant.
- Retailers will scoop these up to re-sell as one gallons, two gallons or three gallons.
- Landscapers and Re-wholesalers would jump at the chance to buy these in 3 gallons on up to 7 gallon or larger.
- Wholesale growers are also likely to buy them as liners of finished 3 gallon plants. Or maybe one gallons they can shift up to 3 gallons.
The above plant is in my landscape at home and it always catches my eye as I walk by. I just think it’s an interesting and awesome plant.
In other words, this is a great plant to grow and sell.
I like this plant because it can used in a landscape and easily kept pruned to a height of 24″ to 48″. But if you want a really different kind of hedge that would make a great habitat for birds, this plant will make a perfect 9′ tall hedge and be wide enough to work really well as a privacy screen.
Alleghany Viburnum is very easy to grow from cuttings.
I do mine as softwood cuttings Using My Automated Plant Propagation System in June or July. I am told that they can be rooted later in the year as well. I’ve never tried them as Hardwood Cuttings.
This would really be a great seller in The Buy/Sell Area of Our Members Area because I seldom, if ever see them offered there. Our members are always looking for new things that they can add to the list of what they are already growing. They truly are insatiable buyers because they area all on a mission to expand what they grow and sell.
Questions about “Alleghany Viburnum? Post them below and I’ll be happy to answer them for you.
Do you have these for sale?
I do not.
RE: Alleghany Viburnum
I have a need to fill a space in my garden but it is 75% shade. Is the Alleghany Viburnum the wrong choice?
75% shade is a lot, I’m really not sure. I’d google the plant.
Can I grow alleghany-viburnum in Sone 9, specifically San Francisco Bay area?
Thank you.
Your summer climate would be awesome for them, but they need to freeze and go dormant over the winter. ???
Since they have to freeze, wouldn’t they do well in zone 3 or 4?
Lots of plants need to freeze, but they are still only as hardy as they are rated for. Will they grow in a colder zone. Yes, but eventually they could suffer winter damage.
DANA HARSHMAN RPH needs a video to help me sell plants online thank YOU FLORIDA DANA HARSHMAN RPH
My daughter bought a place in southeast texas. The flowerbeds have been neglected for years. They are overgrown with what looks like alleghany viburnum. Can you tell me, do they close up their leaves at night like the mimosa? Or am I looking at the imposter weed?
Not that I am aware of.
Those are nice and their not invasive neither right I don’t think they are
I’ve seen people cut those to ground level and they grow right back so their one that’s hard to kill only way to is to dig up the roots anyhow
I need alot of those plants to make a fence with them it’ll probably take me 8 of those plants.
Looks like a Leatherleaf viburnum also. I have the Leatherleaf one, and it can get 15 ft. tall. I keep it pruned to 4 ft. It blooms in spring with flat cream colored blooms, no berries. Could be because I deadhead after blooming.
I love these plants! I have 3 of them in my yard…they are an evergreen where I live. I recall your book says to wait until later in the year to take evergreen cuttings. It is ok with this plant to take cuttings in June?
Absolutely, we just did a bunch this week.
Good to know. What about Japanese Euonymus? Can cuttings be made now as well?
Yes, you can do euonymus now.
Allegany viburnum does not have a spectacular flower, more of a flat panicle type of bloom.
I’ve checked several websites which seem to give conflicting answers – are the berries edible for human consumption? Thanks, I love your emails and site, great job!! 🙂
Not that I am aware of. Without better information I would not take the chance.
You might want to check this page about viburnum
Depending on variety of species it can be toxic… as with edibles too much of a good thing can still be bad when consumption is taking place. Take care and always research before ingesting any plant unknown to you. Have blessed day.
Alleghany Viburnum
Can you really keep this trimmed up nice at height of 5′ and maybe 4′ wide?
It will be in front of the house on south west exposure zone 5
I would like to only trim once or twice a year, Every thing I read says these get 10′ tall and wide.
If you look up just about any flowering shrub they always list mature, untrimmed height and width. I keep everything trimmed back without a great deal of effort. Alleghany Viburnum is one of them that I will keep trimmed back as well. Burning bush get 12′ tall. Mine were 42″ for 10 years.