This is an amazing perennial sedum that is semi evergreen which means that in most climates it will continue to look good even in the winter months. Perfect for rock gardens or mass plantings. I like to use them in small mass plantings in my landscape. I’ll show you some photos of that once mine at home fill in.
These are not the best photos and I’ll add better photos later but I wanted to share this now while I can. I stumbled across this plant while perusing a wholesale perennial catalog and these really caught my eye so I order a couple of trays of them. That’s why my photos are not great, these are really young plants that got potted pretty much in the heat of the summer. Thus the distress.

But look at the colors and the delicate flowers! In the fall they start showing all kinds of pink color.

This plant is hardy in zones 4 thru 9, does well in average to poor soil and they love full sun.
They do not need or want a great deal of water. They bloom in the mid and late summer.
They attract both bees and butterflies.
I am excited to have these in my landscape!
This plant is patented and the name is trademarked. (‘Nonsitnal’ PP27454) That means that it is against the law to propagate them. But if you are a licensed grower like All of Our Members, you can buy them as small plugs for just a couple dollars each, grow them on and resell them. When you buy them that way you are charged a small fee for the royalty on each plant that you buy. But it’s usually not a lot. You can still make a really nice profit on them. I buy and grow a lot of plants that are patented.
I love non patented plants because I am free to propagate them to my hearts content and every year there are plants coming off patent and entering into the public domain. A plant patent last for 20 years from the date of application. That gives the plant breeders 20 years to profit exclusively for the time, effort and investment that they put into introducing new and exciting plants.
Questions, comments or mean things to say? Post them below and I will respond.
Until then, by any and all means stay inspired!
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