We sold out of ‘Humpback Whale’ hosta pretty early this year. Humpback Whale is pretty impressive hosta and this one really hasn’t matured yet because they can get three feet high and 7 feet wide. I’ve also seen photos of them that show them to be a lot more blue than this one.
Humpback whale is hard in zones 3 through zone 9. It does best in partial shade but the one in the photo is pretty much full sun which might account for the lack of blue color.
This particular hosta was almost impossible to find at one time and according to Walter’s Gardens one sold at a charity event for $725! And we sold the for $7.97!
Compare Humpback Whale hosta to Big Daddy Hosta and Blue Angel Hosta.
Can you legally propagate Humpback whale hosta?
As far as I can see this plant is not patented and the name is not a registered trademark. That’s huge! That means that you can dig and divide them and sell them to your hearts content?
Do I do that? No. I simply buy small plugs for about $2.00 or $2.50 each and grow them on from there. It’s way easier, a lot less work! And I don’t have to dig up my prized plants! Most of our members do as I do and simply buy perennial plugs. Some of the plugs that I buy are less than $1.00 each!
Questions, comments, mean things to say? Post them below and I will respond. Until then, by any and all means stay inspired!
Something is eating my hosta. My local garden center said slugs and sold me slugo. They grow and look beautiful then I start seeing holes then a few days later plant is turning brown. I have red mulch around them. Any helpful advice?
It’s probably slugs.
Hello Mike,
Hostas are so popular, such easy care plants.
Where do you get hosta plugs?
Thank you,
We have a number of wholesale sources that I openly share only in our members area. http://backyardgrowers.com/join
Do deer eat the humpback whales ?
I live on Long Island , NY
I don’t know but probably. ???
They don’t eat the plant itself, but when it flowers they will eat the flower.
We have lots of Hostas in our yard, and have lots of deer. They eat it down to the root. Liquid fence works to keep them away, but you need to apply after each rain.
how can i get 1 of these plants
I sell them locally from time to time, trying looking online.
Where do I get the Humpback Whale hosta?
I have a large blueish Hosta which I’ve previously called an Elephant Hosta but given the 3 large types that you mentioned I’m not sure what I have. Tried attaching a photo here with no success
Jules, it would be difficult to tell from a photo.
As soon as I sit down in front of my computer I start deleting emails without even looking at them. I never delete your’s without looking. Love your information, your humor, and your critters.
Thank you Renny, I appreciate that.
Thank you for the great tips. I love gardening and want to learn more about propagation. Cheers!
Thanks for sharing the beautiful plants , they are gorgeous…😍 Have a nice weekend ” ..
Hello, I live in the state of Kentucky. What zone is this state considered in? And will the Humpback Whale plant thrive in this state?
It should be fine there, you are probably zone 6 or 7. Zone map for the United States:
Zone map for Canada:
When can I divide hostas, live in central NJ?
Some say almost anytime of the year except early spring when they are actively growing. Me? I prefer to do them real early spring just before the eyes emerge.
Hello, Where would I fine the Humpback whale Hosta?
I like the shape of the the plants..
How long does it take cuttings to root in a “greenhouse” (in a plastic bag kept moist)?
It depends on the plant but 3 to 5 weeks is pretty much normal.
Love your knowledge. I’m 73 and my grandmother let me help her with her beautiful garden when I was a child. Memories I’ll never forget. Thanks