Gigantic Plant Sale! $7.97 each!Every single plant on this list, only $7.97 until they are gone!Address, hours, details at the end of this ad. Scroll Down. All only $7.97 each!Dinner Plate Hibiscus, Watermelon RufflesMango Tango AgastacheRosie Posie AgasachePeach Blossom Astilbe (great shade plant)Rise and Shine Astile (great shade plant)Vision in Red Astilbe (great shade plant)Jack… Click here to read more…
Selling Plants at a Flea Market.
Flea Markets???????? Yes, but make sure you understand the difference between the typical flea market customer and the typical plant buyer. They are completely different animals, they think differently and they spend differently. And I’m pretty sure you’d find that that the typical plant buyer has more disposable income. It’s really, really important to understand… Click here to read more…
How to Sell Plants from Home.
Roger Higgins of Roger’s Backyard Nursery in Cranesville, Pa has really impressed me not only with how successful a plant propagator he has become after Joining Our Backyard Growers Group, but with how efficiently he uses the limited space in his yard. I think I like Roger’s place because it reminds me of My First… Click here to read more…
The Ten Minute Plant Show.
In Our Members Area we are always discussing new and interesting ways to sell more plants. Many people live in an area where it’s just not feasible to invite a bunch of people to their house for a plant sale, so they are always looking for new ideas. This simple idea starts with a simple… Click here to read more…
The Magic Candy Dish
How to sell hundreds if not thousands of plants with “The Magic Candy Dish”. Crazy right? Crazy like a fox. Follow along. I am actually doing this blog post for Our Members, not really interested in showing it to the general public, but putting it here is the easiest way for me to convey my… Click here to read more…
It’s all about Arithmetic and Believing in You.
A note to my backyard growers. Here’s something to think about. We are all here, in this group, growing plants, because about 20 years ago some blue collar knucklehead took a chance and bought a personal computer when almost nobody had one. He didn’t know how to use a computer. Then the brazen jerk decided… Click here to read more…
Who will Buy the Plants that I Grow?
That’s a fair question and I am going to attempt to address it as thoroughly as I know how. There are so many options, places and ways to sell plants both large and small it’s a big mind boggling, but let’s give it a whirl. This is the list that comes to mind right off… Click here to read more…
Plant Sales: Plant Sizes, Plant Prices and the Value of the Plants We Sell.
This is the million dollar question that I get asked a lot. “How big does a plant have to be before I can sell it for $5.97?” And of course the answer is . . . it depends. To help explain this, I’ve made a movie about plant sizes and value. Actually my intent here… Click here to read more…
The Secret to Selling Lots and Lots of Plants.
Anybody Can Sell a lot of Plants, and I Do Mean Anybody! Tens of thousands of plants if that’s what your heart desires. But . . . in order for that to happen you have to get off of the couch, out into the backyard and make it happen. You have to quit talking yourself… Click here to read more…
Mike and Duston McGroarty are Giving Away the Farm!
I think we have completely lost our minds! We set out to help our Backyard Growers discover new and exciting ways to sell more plants. The idea was to do eight simple weekly webinars where we would share our expertise in the area of marketing and Internet marketing to help our members sell more of… Click here to read more…
A Tip for Selling the Plants that You Grow.
People often ask me; “Mike, how can you sell plants that don’t even have leaves on them? They look dead.” And the answer is, we use point of sale signs, often called bench cards. These point of sale signs really help the customer make buying decisions. They want to know what the plant looks like… Click here to read more…
Mike and Duston McGroarty Offer Live Training for Small Business Owners.
Duston and I are doing 8 weeks of live training for Small Business Owners. This training will cover all aspects of Internet Marketing as well as a Wealth of Information about Marketing and Promoting a Small Business, both Offline and Online. Recently we did a one hour, forty minute live training event and so far… Click here to read more…
How I Advertise My Plants for Sale
Winter is getting closer and closer every week. We’re trying to button everything up before it’s too late. In this week’s “Mondays With Mike”, I share with you the results of our Fall/St. Patrick’s Day plant sale and also show you the ad I’m running for our sale next week. It’s very rare that I… Click here to read more…
How to Sell Plants Online
This is Part 1 of a 3-part series on buying plants online and also selling the plants you grow online: Part 1 – [You Are Here] – How to Sell Plants Online Part 2 – Where to Buy Plants (at Rock-Bottom Prices) Online Part 3 – How to Get Paid to Sell Sticks (Yes… STICKS!!)… Click here to read more…
How to Sell the Plants that You Grow.
Selling the plants that you grow is actually quite easy because people love plants. They love to buy them, they love to plant them and they love looking at them. This is How You Make Up to $93.60 per Square Foot Right in Your Own Backyard. How do I know this? 1. I am one… Click here to read more…
Small Business Training.
In 2013 Duston and I will be conducting small business training workshops in our local area of Madison, Ohio 44057. These workshops are obviously only for people in the local area, within driving distance of Perry or Madison, Ohio. Since these will be evening workshops it’s probably only practical for people that live within 60 to… Click here to read more…
Loading up the Seats of the Ferris Wheel
This might seem like a stretch on a gardening site, but I hope you make the connection with me. It might be hard to see a connection between growing and selling small plants and a Ferris Wheel so I will make that connection for you. Anytime I am doing anything in my nursery in the… Click here to read more…
A Tribute to Small Business Owners Across America and Beyond.
An Open Letter to Small Business Owners. Thank you! and a promise from me. Please share this with every small business owner that you know. They deserve it more than you know. Dear small business owner, I know you. I know who you are and what you stand for. I think everybody in America and… Click here to read more…