These Corona pruning shears are one of my favorite tools to use all year round, and I work the heck out of them! After a while, the blades become gunked up with sap, and nicked from cutting hard branches so it’s very important that I regularly maintain the shears so they will perform properly. I… Click here to read more…
Lightweight Expandable Hose That Never Kinks
A few years ago the expandable pocket hose hit the infomercial scene. Maybe you were one who called in to order not one, but TWO expandable hoses if you acted right then. It didn’t take long for the consumers to find fault in the too good to be true lightweight hose. Consumer Reports tested the… Click here to read more…
Best Pruning Shears
We get a lot of emails from our readers. One question often asked is: Which brand of pruning shears does Mike use? This question is an easy one for me to answer. If you were to swing by the nursery right now, you’d find Mike there in his bib overalls. The way he looks in his… Click here to read more…
Which Wheelbarrow Should I Buy?
Wheelbarrows! Why so many options? Why can’t it be simple? One wheel? Two wheels? Plastic tub? Metal tub? Is a two wheeled garden cart better? Wheelbarrow Logic from Mike McGroarty. Here’s my take on wheelbarrows, from a guy that has made his living for the better part of 40 years using wheelbarrows. In my… Click here to read more…
Electric Wheelbarrow Review by Mike McGroarty.
Last growing season I was given the opportunity to use, test and review this awesome electric wheelbarrow from If you’ve known me or have been following me for any length of time you know that I am huge, flag waving fan of single wheel, construction grade Jackson wheelbarrows. To the point that even offer… Click here to read more…
Garden Tools Care
How to Clean, Maintain, and Store Your Garden Tools Gather the required materials and tools. Materials: – Boiled linseed oil – Spray lubricant – Multi-purpose tool oil – Abrasive pad or steel wool – Sanding block or sand paper – Waterproof glue – Dish soap (not pictured) Tools: – File – Bucket (not pictured) –… Click here to read more…
Backyard Nursery Tools of the Trade.
Over the winter I spent some time building/inventing a few things that I needed to make the nursery run smoother and my life easier. Some of these are interesting, some are kind of boring, but here they are. Originally this was my “Famous Legless Potting Bench” but once I bought a frontend loader it was… Click here to read more…
Nursery Supplies for Our Backyard Growers.
On this page you will find the supplies that our Backyard Growers need most often. Automatic Mist Plant Propagation Equipment. Check it Out! Nursery Pots that are Perfect for $4.97 Plants. Take a Peek! The Automatic Fertilizer Dispenser. Invented by one of our Growers! Source: April is National Gardening Month, but to… Click here to read more…
Flat Head Spray Nozzles for Plant Propagation.
We use these flat head spray nozzles that are specially designed for outdoor use. They deliver a pattern of water that is almost perfectly horizontal. The water is atomized, but only to a point. What makes these nozzles unique is that the droplets of water are tiny, yet just large enough to not be easily… Click here to read more…
Using the Mantis Tiller to Prepare a Landscape Planting Bed.
In this video: Pam McGroarty is painting signs for the donkey shed. Check them out. How to use a Mantis Rototiller to level and move soil in a landscaping bed. Some new plants that you’d probably like to meet. Most people think of a rototiller as a device used for loosing and digging up soil… Click here to read more…
Wheelbarrow Review, Which Wheelbarrow Should You or I Buy?
(Watch the video at the bottom of this post. This might just be the fastest wheelbarrow in the world!) Wheelbarrows! Why so many options? Why can’t it be simple? One wheel? Two wheels? Plastic tub? Metal tub? Is a two wheeled garden cart better? What about an electric wheelbarrow? (Read my review before going… Click here to read more…
Top 10 Gardening Tools
Here is a list of the top 10 gardening tools you should have in your shed.Hand trowels are a gardening staple. They can be used to dig holes, transplant seedlings, pull weeds and plant bulbs. All gardens require water. Whether you are using your hose for drip irrigation or just attaching a soaker nozzle, a… Click here to read more…
The Easy Digger
The Easy Digger gets a big thumbs up from Mike McGroarty! I first came across this handy gardening tool a number of years ago, then my Easy Digger somehow went missing as often happens with gardening tools. At least my tools often go missing! Anyway, I really, really like the easy digger. It is by… Click here to read more…
A Nifty Tool: The Gama Hoe
This little tool doesn’t really look like much, but this is one of the most amazing little tools that I’ve ever used for weeding. You can even use it for digging small plants. It’s call a Gama Hoe. This little Gama Hoe is my new best friend. Where can you buy… Click here to read more…
Aluminun Plant Tags that Don’t Fade
Aluminum plant tags that don’t fade really are permanent. Most of us who garden and tag our plants for future reference learn pretty quickly that permanent markers are not as permanent as you think when out in the sun and other elements. I’ve tried permanent markers, industrial markers, paint markers and even “plant” markers. They… Click here to read more…
Clam Shell Air Propagator
If you want to do something that’s really fun in your yard, give this a try. The art or technique of air propagating, commonly known as air layering, has been around for years. But my friend Hong has created a little plastic device that makes the process simple. Watch the video… Air-layering is a method of… Click here to read more…
Tree Stump Removal Tools
This is the nursery spade I recommend. [Amazon] This is the spud bar I recommend. [Amazon]
I Love My Mantis Tiller!
Have You Ever Seen An Action Hoe?
Watch Mike work an action hoe like a pro! Get Paid to Grow Small Plants from Home! Mine Have Earned Thousands!
Mantis Tiller Review
Well… I could have chosen an easier pile of material to show off my Mantis Rototiller with, but instead, I decided to tackle a compost pile that is covered with small tree branches! But that’s what I had available so I ran with it. Here are a few other videos I’ve made using the Mantis… Click here to read more…