Do yourself a huge favor and print this off and keep it near your potting bench. Heck, print off a few copies and hang them where you can see them. January-Mid Winter You can do hardwood cuttings of deciduous plants. Just wait for a day when the ground is not frozen so you can either… Click here to read more…
How To Grow Blueberry Plants From A Cutting
Growing blueberry plants from cuttings is a quick and easy way to get new bushes. Cuttings can be done from both hardwood and softwood, but hardwood cuttings tend to be easier to work with and more likely to root properly. Hardwood cuttings are best taken in the late winter or early spring, before the leaf… Click here to read more…
Growing Grape Vines
How to Grow Grape Vines Like most plants, grape vines really like rich soil that is fairly well drained. However, they will grow well in soils heavier than most ornamental plants prefer. For one, they are very vigorous growers so soil that holds some moisture actually helps them. New grape plants should be set out… Click here to read more…
How to Propagate Mums
How to Propagate Mums Chrysanthemums refer to a genus of flowering plants with great genetic diversity. The Chrysanthemum was widely grown in China during the 15th century B.C. as a flowering herb. Stories recount that the boiled roots were used as a headache remedy, the leaves were used as a drink in festivities, and the… Click here to read more…
Propagation Techniques for Landscape Plants
I am going to give you suggested propagation techniques for a variety of different landscape plants. Arborvitae: Cuttings taken in mid to late summer can be rooted in coarse sand under intermittent mist. Cuttings taken in the fall can be rooted in coarse sand in an outdoor frame. Cuttings taken during the winter can be… Click here to read more…
How to Grow from Cuttings
THE SIMPLEST WAY TO GROW FROM CUTTINGS If you have a tree or plant you wish to clone, look no further. This method is uncomplicated and quite easy to do. Materials needed: · Healthy cutting from a tree of your choice · Potting soil or local soil or an equal mixture of both · One… Click here to read more…
Growing Grapes
Why am I posting about this now? Because in Ohio, it is time to prune your grape vines! Plant your cuttings in the spring to grow more grape vines! Like most plants, grape vines really like rich soil that is fairly well drained. However, they will grow well in soils heavier than most ornamental plants… Click here to read more…
How to Regrow Vegetables
How to regrow vegetables During the winter months I enjoy making home made soup. I always use leeks and green onions, and have discovered that I no longer have to buy them! I simply regrow them! Step 1: After chopping up the leeks and green onions, I saved about a one and a half inch… Click here to read more…
Easy Summertime Plant Propagation Techniques that You Can Do at Home.
Free Flowering Shrubs and Evergreens! It’s true, you can grow all of the flowering shrubs you want, absolutely free, once you learn how to root them yourself at home, in your backyard. I’m fixin’ to show you how to do that right now. Be prepared to be intrigued! I want to make this as simple… Click here to read more…
Propagating Roses from Cuttings
Propagating Roses from Cuttings Copyright © 2011 McGroarty Enterprises Inc. The propagation of Roses. Boy this must be hard to do. Roses are a mystery to many gardeners. Something so beautiful must be really difficult to grow from cuttings, at least so think some gardeners. This is not the case at all. Roses… Click here to read more…
Easy Winter Time Plant Propagation that You Can Do at Home.
I am going to show you how to grow all the flowering shrubs you want, absolutely free of charge. This really does work, in the dead of winter, outside in the cold, snow and freezing weather. I’ll prove it to you. I know, I know, I know! The plants in the picture look like dead… Click here to read more…
How to Propagate Succulents
If you’ve never grown succulents you don’t know what you are missing! These have to be the easiest plants in the world to grow. They hold root cells in both stems and leaves, so you can cut off any section, let it dry (callus over) for 24 hours to a month, stick it in dirt… Click here to read more…
How to Plant Rosemary from Cuttings
Fresh Rosemary is one of the most fragrant and flavorful herbs to have in your garden! Some studies have also shown that essential oil from rosemary, when sniffed, improves your memory. How to Plant Rosemary from Cuttings Step 1: Gather your Equipment One or several 6 to 8 inch spring of Rosemary Small planting pot(s)… Click here to read more…
Potting or Planting Rooted Cuttings
Potting or planting rooted cuttings. What to do with cuttings after they are rooted. I get this question a lot; “Mike, once my cuttings are rooted, what do I do with them?” You have two options. 1. You can plant them in a bed and grow them from there. 2. You can put them in… Click here to read more…
Rooting Cuttings Successfully in Sand.
Rooting Cuttings Successfully in Sand. In this post I want to show you how easy it is to root cuttings in sand, using the techniques that I recommend. For a while there, during the growing season, we were shooting a “Mondays with Mike” video for our members. The videos that we shot in this 30-day… Click here to read more…
Making Cuttings with the Grandkids.
Mondays with Mike. This week . . . Donkeys. Since we shot this videos the Donkeys have a greatly expanded pen and lots of new grass to eat. They’re happy. I no longer have to tie them out so they can eat a little grass. Just getting ready to stick cuttings. Trying out the grand… Click here to read more…
Hardwood Cuttings, Softwood Cuttings, Plant Selling Success.
This is from our “Mondays with Mike” Series. Of February 2nd of 2014 I posted This about Doing Hardwood Cuttings in the Dead of Winter. Beautiful winter photos, bitter cold! It got down to -15 degrees F. here in Ohio and we had many other days well below zero. How in the world can you… Click here to read more…
Rooted Cuttings. How to pot and or plant them, how, when, how often and how much to prune them.
Rooting cuttings is easy, I’ve been teaching people how to do it online since 1999. But once the cuttings are rooted how do care for them? How do you plant or pot them? When should they be first pruned? All great questions that folks have. People get all caught up in the process of rooting… Click here to read more…
How to Root Purple Sandcherry, prunus cistena from Hardwood Cuttings.
Purple Flowering Sandcherry, prunus cistena, is an extremely popular flowering shrub. Covered with tiny pinkish white blooms in the spring and deep purple leaves all summer long make this an all time favorite shrub. But unlike many flowering flowering shrubs, this one is a bit tricky to propagate from softwood cuttings. The softwood cuttings fail… Click here to read more…
Winter Time Plant Propagation Techniques.
I took most of these snow covered tree photos early in the morning. Winter Time Plant Propagation Believe it or not, the dead of winter is the ideal time to make hardwood cuttings of many deciduous plants. Sounds crazy doesn’t it? However, with many plants it really is the ideal time. We do most of… Click here to read more…