The woman who sued her neighbor over her backyard chickens and garden says she doesn’t hate chickens, doesn’t hate gardens and doesn’t hate her neighbors. Lynn Perry says she just loves her home and her neighborhood — and wants to protect its integrity. How would you feel if you were in their shoes? Read the… Click here to read more…
How to Make Your Very Own Pure Maple Syrup
MAKING MAPLE SYRUP Making maple syrup is not difficult and only requires a few supplies: A drill, a tap, a bucket or something else to collect the sap in, a pot to boil it in, a Maple tree and a lot of patience. Nobody knows who discovered how to make maple syrup, but it is… Click here to read more…
DIY Bird House
DIY Bird House Step 1: Gather the required materials and tools. Materials: – Seven lengths cut from a 1” x 6” cedar board (actual dimensions 5/8” by 5 1/2” – see note below) to create the following panels (see illustration below): — Two 8” panels (8” x 5 1/2”) — One 8” panel (8” x… Click here to read more…
Simple Bat House Plans
Why would anyone want to build a bat house? Because bats are the primary predator of those annoying, flying nighttime insects like mosquitoes, moths and beetles. One bat can eat thousands of insects in one evening! And if you build a bat house for them, they will stay out of your chimneys, rafters and attics. … Click here to read more…
How to Heat a Greenhouse Without Electricity
How To Heat A Greenhouse Without Electricity There are two main concepts concerning heating a greenhouse without electricity. The first is by collecting the sun’s warmth as sunlight hits upon a dense material called thermal mass, such as rock and water. Thermal mass will absorb a lot of heat throughout the day and release that… Click here to read more…
Building a Warm Shelter for Miniature Donkeys or Goats.
Last year, 2013, I built this shelter house for our miniature donkeys. And wouldn’t you know it, the very first year we have miniature donkeys on the farm we get hit with the worst winter in years and years. Temperatures as low as 15 degrees below zero! Finnegan and Fergus did fine with lots and… Click here to read more…
How to Make Orange and Lemon Marmalade
How To Make: Orange and Lemon Marmalade. In my humble opinion, there is nothing better than food you make and preserve yourself for two reasons. 1. It’s always on hand. 2. It’s better for you. This recipe ~ super easy. Here is my recipe for Orange and Lemon Marmalade. This is a 2-Day project which… Click here to read more…
Christmas Gift Giving Ideas
Christmas Gift Giving Ideas for the Grower, Landscaper or Entrepreneur in Your Life This is My Life’s Work, literally. I’ve been doing this stuff for 40 years now. What you’re getting here is a 40-year shortcut. I’ve made hundreds of mistakes. Expensive mistakes! I’d like for you to avoid making these same mistakes. Learn from… Click here to read more…
How to Keep Bees
This fun winter project is on how to keep bees by building Mason bee nesting boxes. You can use a block of untreated wood, a piece of firewood, hollow sticks of bamboo, or paper straws you make or buy. You can use plastic straws, but they may allow mold to develop which might harm your… Click here to read more…
DIY Chicken Feeder
This is no means an exact science. You can create your 5-gallon chicken feeder for less than $5. Step 1: Obtain Items and Hardware 5-gallon bucket with lid 1 Gallon Utility Pan – the one I used was a 1-gallon utility pan from Tractor Supply. 1 bolt/nut/washer – I used a ¼ inch (any size… Click here to read more…
DIY Chicken Waterer
You can create your own 5-gallon chicken waterer for less than $5. Step 1: Obtain Items and Hardware 5 Gallon bucket 1 Gallon Utility pan-the one I used was a 1-gallon utility pan from Tractor Supply. 3/8″ drill bit for drilling water holes drill marker safety glasses Step 2: Draw where you want the holes… Click here to read more…
Freezing for a Reason- The Ice Bucket Challenge
I’m sure by now most of you have seen the many, many (….many, many, many) ice bucket challenge videos circulating around the internet. It is good fun for a great cause. This challenge promotes awareness and to date has raised a whopping 88.5 million dollars for the ALS Association to help combat Lou Gehrig Disease…. Click here to read more…
Paying off all of your debts is a life changing, liberating experience.
(the links on this page are affiliate links) My good friend Leo Quinn is an expert when it comes to debt reduction and he has helped thousands of people, including Pam and I. Leo has an excellent program that you can follow at home and I talked him into offering to my friends, customers and… Click here to read more…
Mike and Pam McGroarty with their Miniature Donkeys Finnegan and Fergus.
Mike’s Plant Farm4850 North Ridge RoadPerry, Ohio 44081 I have to thank my daughter-in-law Lorelei for taking these photos for us. The rest is pretty self-explanatory. The solid dark brown donkey is Fergus, the white and light brown one is Finnegan. My subscribers helped us pick the Irish names in honor of my Irish father…. Click here to read more…
Miniature Donkeys Getting all Dressed Up
The donkeys are all excited! This Saturday, September 14th, 2013 we are having a big plant sale and a St. Patrick’s Day party here at Mike’s Plant Farm in Perry, Ohio. A St. Patrick’s Day party in September? Yeah, that was the donkeys idea. Since they are Irish (because we gave them Irish names) and… Click here to read more…
How to Make a Rain Barrel
Owning a own home today is harder than ever. High mortgages coupled with high cost cost of living expenses make people eager for ways to cut down on costs. Along with that many homeowner’s are looking for ways to live more green due to an ongoing concern about the environment. One relatively easy task to… Click here to read more…
10 Ways to Be More Self Reliant
For many people, asking for help is one of the hardest things to do. The desire to take care of oneself is only natural, but developing that ability takes a little more work. Here are ten ways to be more self reliant. Money Management/Budget One of the most important parts of being self reliant is… Click here to read more…
How to Build a Bat House
Bats are typically underrated and not given the credit they are due. Besides being the only mammal that can fly, the majority of North American bats are also nocturnal insectivores. This means that they feed on the insects of night, including mosquitoes. Actually, a small bat can eat more than 600 mosquitoes in just one… Click here to read more…
Top 20 Homeschooling Blogs Of 2013
If you have chosen to homeschool your child, you know how vital the online community is to both the parent and the child. Traditional schooling makes it easy for your child to get out there and interact with his or her peers. If you have chosen to homeschool, you will learn quickly that you will… Click here to read more…
How to Make Maple Syrup
You make a batch of fluffy pancakes only to find that you have run out of maple syrup. Your breakfast is ruined. By the time you go to the supermarket, the pancakes will be cold. What are pancakes without maple syrup? Maple syrup is very popular in Canada and United States. It is a luxury… Click here to read more…