Click Here to Get Your Clamshell Propagator!
Training Harry Lauder’s Walking Stick To Grow Properly
Training Japanese Maples To Grow Properly
Plans For A Potting Bench
Air Propagating
How to Prune a Japanese Maple Tree
Let’s talk about when you should prune your Japanese Maple tree. The ideal time to prune a Japanese Maple tree is as soon as it needs pruning, if you don’t, they get straggly and not that attractive. STEP ONE: Disinfect your tools so you don’t spread disease. Because this is such a small tree, hand… Click here to read more…
When to Prune Hydrangeas
When and how to prune hydrangeas like Endless Summer and other varieties seems to be one of the most confusing issues that gardeners face. Why is that? Conflicting information that’s what the problem is. So in just a moment here I am going to forever set the record straight for you. But first, let’s have… Click here to read more…
How To Edge A Bed
“Grammaw’s” Baked Bean Recipe
Ingredients: Two Large Cans of Campbells Baked Beans (53-1/4 ounce cans) One Large white onion chopped up in small pieces One pound of Dark brown sugar 1/4 cup of Ketchup Mix all the ingredients together in a baking dish. Mix them together as best you can, but the brown sugar will be lumpy until it’s been… Click here to read more…
The Golden Curls Weeping Willow
Click Here to Discover How to Get Started Growing and Selling Small Plants at Home
How To Control Slugs
How To Get Rid of Japanese Beetles
Mike’s New Nursery… From The Beginning!
This is what we started with in 2010. This fun little video documents our progress through the spring of 2012. The front container growing area is just to the right off the donkeys. This photo was pretty much taken from the same vantage point as the above photo where the ground is snow covered. September… Click here to read more…
Digging My Well… My Plants Need Water!
Suckers On Grafted Plants!
This is important and I hope to add more to this post in the future. Near the end of this first video you will see first hand how suckers can completely destroy beautiful plants. Sometimes this is difficult for people to understand because they don’t really understand the concept of grafting. I hope these two… Click here to read more…
A Simple Way To Root Plants From Cuttings
This Really is the Most Fun You Can Have with Your Bibs On! Check Out My Backyard Growing System.
Trim Your Bushes WAY Back… Part 2
More than three years later, here’s what that burning bush looks like now…
Meet A Few Backyard Growers!
Is A Virtual Nursery Really Possible?