Propagating potentilla from cuttings is really easy to do and when done as softwood cuttings during the late spring early summer they root quite quickly, usually in two to three weeks. What I am going to show you in this post is propagating potentilla late in the season when the wood is much… Click here to read more…
Search Results for: hardwood cuttings
How to Grow Roses from Cuttings
You are going to love this article on how to grow roses from cuttings. This is a really simple process that works and takes all the mystery out of rose propagation. A customer of mine actually made this video for you and I. Thank you Jeff! Rose Bush Propagation This is a process that can… Click here to read more…
My Month-By-Month Plant Propagation Guide
This seems to be another common question folks have… “What Should I Be Doing Now? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! I put together a month-by-month guide so you know what type of propagation is best for each month of the year. January-Mid Winter You can do hardwood cuttings of deciduous plants. Just wait for… Click here to read more…
$180.00 per Square Foot? Is it really possible?
In beds like the one you see above I stick my cuttings about one cutting per square inch. I really put them as close together as 3/4″ of an inch, but the rows are about 1-1/2″ apart. That’s about one cutting per square inch. That’s 144 cuttings in a square foot. If you sell those… Click here to read more…
Red Prince Weigela
Red Prince Weigela is one of the best selling plants that I grow. I guess it’s the striking red flowers that attract attention that make it such a great seller. Red Prince grows well in zones 4 through 8. Red Prince loves full sun but it will also tolerate some shade. Rich green leaves really… Click here to read more…
Shirobana Spirea, Spiraea japonica ‘Shirobana’
Well . . . this photo says it all. All most all. It’s obvious that Shirobana spirea is beautiful in bloom but the thing that makes it an asset to any garden is the fact that it blooms late in the summer when other things are pretty much done blooming. This is a sun loving… Click here to read more…
Tardiva Hydrangea/Hydrangea paniculata ‘Tardiva’
How’s that for beautiful? Tardiva Hydrangea is one of those hydrangeas that “Never Fails to Bloom”! The plant that you are looking at in these photos I planted in the spring of 2020. They were little tiny rooted cuttings and I planted them in an area of the nursery where it’s really difficult to water… Click here to read more…
Let Amazon help you with weed control in your gardens.
This is a great project for your children. Get them involved so they can see first hand how recycling works. Online buying is now bigger than ever and I really don’t see that changing anytime soon. The postmaster told me that package delivery within the post office is up six times over this time last… Click here to read more…
Pink Diamond Hydrangea, Growing, Selling and Propagating this Amazing Plant.
Pink Diamond is a beautiful Hydrangea with panicle flowers that open white and then turn interesting shades of pink. This hydrangea can grow as tall as 12′ but it is also very easy to maintain as low as 30″ if that’s what you want. I can assure you, the ones in my landscape will never… Click here to read more…
Phantom Hydrangea, Hydrangea paniculata ‘Phantom’
Phantom Hydrangea is in the panicle family of hydrangeas. That means that it is super hardy and a very predictable bloomer. It blooms on current years growth. That means that the plant starts growing like crazy in the spring, then come mid summer it stops growing and makes a flower bud on the end of… Click here to read more…
Growing, Selling and Propagating Silver Dollar Hydrangea
About the Silver Dollar Hydrangea. It grows only about four feet or four and half foot tall. The flower color is a cream why with a tinge of pink. It loves full sun and partial shade. It attracts Butterflies and Bees. Is it deer resistant? No, but it’s what I call deer resilient. If they… Click here to read more…
Growing, Caring for and Propagating Miss Kim Lilac.
Syringa pubescens subsp. patula ‘Miss Kim’ is an awesome Lilac for any yard. This amazing plant grows tight and compact, unlike traditional lilacs. Yet it is every bit as nice in so many ways. Compact growing habit and dwarf in size. Most grow to a height and width of 6 feet or 8 feet maximum…. Click here to read more…
Hydrangea Macrophylla ‘Nigra’
Macrophylla hydrangeas are some of the most popular hydrangeas because they have large leaves, large blooms that are often very colorful. But they can also be less hardy than those in the Hydrangea paniculata family which are mostly white, off white, lime green. The Macrophyllas come in all kinds of beautiful colors. As growers or… Click here to read more…
The Perfect Evergreen for a Heavily Shaded Area.
The current images on this page are not great because I took them of plants growing wild in a very heavily wooded area on my property. But I will explain why I decided to use them. Years ago when I first started landscaping houses in 1979 one of my favorite go to plants, an evergreen… Click here to read more…
Silver Dollar Hydrangea
Silver Dollar Hydrangea is an awesome hydrangea, smaller in size, yet a prolific bloomer. This plant is a sport of the P.G. Hydrangea which has been a staple in landscapes for more years than you can remember. Today several different types of hydrangeas are used to create into tree hydrangeas but I believe P.G. was… Click here to read more…
ADVANCED NURSERY GROWERS, DEFUNIAK SPRINGS, FLORIDA. Some time ago, In the panhandle of Florida, on a little piece of paradise, my husband, Howard and I started a small family business centered around our love for plants. Howard is a Member of Our Backyard Growers Business Center which is why his nursery is being featured here…. Click here to read more…
Nursery Seedlings from Blairsville, Georgia
These folks are Members of Our Backyard Growers Business Center which is why his nursery is being featured here. Patio, Lawn & Garden Gardening & Lawn Care Plants, Seeds & Bulbs Trees Landscaping Property Management SPRING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER – RESERVE YOUR SEEDLINGS NOW FOR SPRING DELIVERY http://www.NurserySeedlings.Co – Shipping Transplant Starter Trees… Click here to read more…
Plant Growers Workshop and Wholesale Buying Opportunity
This is big deal! The dates . . .October, 10, 2019 10:00 am til 4:00 pmOctober 11, 2019 10:00 am til 4:00 pmOctober 12, 2019 10:00 am til 2:00 pm Where? Mike’s Plant Farm, 4850 North Ridge Road, Perry, Ohio 44081 If you can not make this event, don’t worry, on Saturday October 12th we… Click here to read more…
A Really Easy Way to Make Lots and Lots of New Plants.
Our members often refer to this as “Stick Farming” because that’s pretty much what it is. We turn what appear to be worthless sticks in to beautiful, viable plants. Follow along. Basically what we are talking about are hardwood cuttings. We do hardwood cuttings during the winter. Never earlier than Thanksgiving and as late as… Click here to read more…
Non Patented, Public Domain Plants that You Should Be Free to Propagate.
Disclaimer: You must do your due diligence! With the help of many of Our Members we have compiled a list of plants that are not patented and appear to be in the public domain. However, we here at McGroarty Enterprises Inc. have not verified every plant on this list. It is your responsibility as a… Click here to read more…