This is a tutorial about the correct way to ship plants to friends or customers. First, watch this video I made about shipping plants. It shows how to properly package plants for shipment. There are few things to take notice of in the above photo. The shipper recycled an old fan box to ship these… Click here to read more…
My Very First Customer Placed a $500.00 Order over the Phone!
I love getting notes like this! ************************************************ Mike, I made my first sale of plants and it was a $500.00 order! One person, my very first customer, placed a $500.00 order over the phone. I had started a bunch of seeds back in May, I love seeds! I had over 100 xxxx plants in 4… Click here to read more…
Plants in Pots Verses Plants in Beds or in the Field.
Beds verses pots? Good question. If you have really nice soil plants in the ground will out grow plants in pots most of the time, unless of course your potting soil is perfect. If the potting soil is less than perfect, the plants in pots will be slower growing. (My Potting Soil Recipe) For years… Click here to read more…
How to Turn $50 into $1,000 Growing Ornamental Grasses.
A few days ago I purchased about 600 Ornamental Grasses wholesale. I paid $1.50 each. As I was unpacking these plants I thought to myself; “What a great business this is!” I bought these for $1.50 each and I will be able to sell them next spring for $4.97. But that’s just the beginning. I… Click here to read more…
Mike McGroarty Gets Slammed by a Subscriber.
Recently one of my long time subscribers unsubscribed from my FREE gardening newsletter because he said I’ve lost focus on plants. He’s not interested in Donkeys, or Goats. So for those of you who are wondering why we are posting about Donkeys and Goats or Bee Keeping and other things that interest people who live,… Click here to read more…
How Can You Start a Backyard Nursery with this Kind of Help?
Can You Believe they Did This While I was Away? Here at Mike’s Backyard Nursery, once a week I try to do a video for my customers, those who have purchased my Backyard Growing System. We call these videos “Mondays with Mike” and the customers love them because each week we show them what we’ve… Click here to read more…
I Bought 1,300 More Plants and Fixed Up Our Sales Area
Another busy week! We finished the installation of our water line and frost-free spigot, fixed up our sales area and I went crazy buying 1,300 more plants! Take a look at the video…
Stay at Home, Home Schooling Mom, Loves Growing Plants at Home for Extra Income.
This is the part that people don’t understand about growing and selling small plants from home. If a stay-at-home mom who homeschools her children can do this successfully then just about anybody can do it. Nurseries buy more small plants than anybody. They have to, they can’t possibly “make” all of the plants that they… Click here to read more…
Mulching Our Japanese Maple Beds
Mulching our Japanese maple beds. Audio is really bad, it was windy and then from out of now where a random clanking tractor drove behind Amber with the camera! Only in the country does that happen!
Getting Ready for the Plant Sale
Getting ready for our plant sale, plants lined up everywhere, building is packed full of Rhododendrons!
Mondays with Mike McGroarty at Mike’s Plant Farm, 4850 North Ridge Road, Perry, Ohio 44081
Welcome to Mondays with Mike McGroarty. I started doing these videos for my Backyard Growers, but realized that a lot of other people will like them as well. This is a bit of a documentary of what we we have going on at Mike’s Plant Farm here in wonderful Perry, Ohio. May 27th, 2013. Mulching… Click here to read more…
How to Make Your Own Sprinklers on Stand Pipes.
Last week I realized that I need a couple of portable sprinklers that I could easily move around but they had to be high enough to clear small plants so I would get good coverage. Those tripod sprinklers that you can buy are nice but they are expensive, and I had some that were made… Click here to read more…
Snow Damaged, Hoop House, Greenhouse, High Tunnel.
A lot of our members want greenhouses, even though you can easily do the Backyard Nursery Business with one. I don’t have one. Had one, took it down. Everything I do is without a greenhouse. If I were to do 30,000 or 50,000 Rhododendron cuttings each year for that I’d build a greenhouse. Everything else… Click here to read more…
Went Whacko at the Nursery Auction
I attended a recent nursery auction in my local area and went a little crazy buying plants!
Mike McGroarty’s Backyard Cash Machine Report for only Seven Dollars.
Why am I offering this report for only $7.00? Great question. Here’s the deal. I am doing everything in my power to get people involved in the business of growing and selling small plants at home with as little financial commitment on their part as possible. The plant growing, plant loving world needs more small… Click here to read more…
Buying Plants at Wholesale Prices.
Members of the Trade Never Pay Retail Prices for Plants, Wholesale Rooted Cuttings or Liners. What most people don’t realize is that as a member of the trade, nurseryman, landscaper, garden center, or Backyard Grower, you are entitled to buy plants on the wholesale market. And the prices are remarkably lower, for a lot of… Click here to read more…
Are Hybrid Plants Better?
Nature Intended for Plants to Reproduce by Means of Sexual Reproduction. Along time ago when the earth was green (stole that line from the Irish Rovers song “The Unicorn”) new plants were born. Chance seedlings that just popped up. Probably a tad more complicated than that but for the sake of simplicity we’ll just assume… Click here to read more…
How to Make 65¢ per Square Inch in Your Backyard.
65¢ Per Square Inch. That’s $93.60 in One Square Foot! And you can do it over and over and over. Does the idea of growing and selling small plants in your backyard seem like an intimidating venture for you? I know for a lot of people it does because they look at what I am… Click here to read more…
Plant Tying Techniques.
Here’s an easy way to tie up plants in your yard and garden. A few days ago I was walking through the hardware store when this stuff caught my eye. It’s called Soft Wire Tire and basically, it’s rubber coated wire. You can use it to tie up your plants without damaging them because it’s… Click here to read more…
Plant Propagation via Tissue Culture
Plant Propagation via Tissue Culture is the most modern and scientific method of propagating new plants. Plant propagation via tissue culture is a form of micro propagation where tiny pieces of plant tissue are used to produce exact clones of the plant from which the tissue originated. In the nursery business many plants are not… Click here to read more…
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