Wow! I planted four of these ‘Rockin Raspberry’ Bee Balm in the perennial garden at the nursery last summer and look at them now. They are in bloom right now, end of June here in northern, Ohio and every person that sees them asks about them. This beauty grows to about 16″ to 20″ tall,… Click here to read more…
‘Bubblegum Blast’ Bee Balm
This beautiful Bee Balm is part of the ‘Sugar Buzz’ series. I planted these in my perennial bed last summer and this year they are beautiful and blooming like crazy! They grow from 16″ to 24″ tall, are hardy from zone 4 through zone 8. They love full sun but will do well in partial… Click here to read more…
‘Blue Angel’ Hosta.
‘Blue Angel’hosta is by far one of my favorite blue hostas. A big hosta like this in a perennial bed covers a lot of area and that keeps a ton of weeds at bay! These giant heart shaped leaves are very slug resistant. We have this plant in full sun. With just a bit of… Click here to read more…
‘Big Daddy’ Hosta
‘Big Daddy’ hosta is one of my favorite big hostas, mostly because it’s big, it’s blue and it has very interested leaves that are a bit dimpled. Big Daddy hosta gets about 24″ tall and 36″ wide. It’s hardy in zones 3 through 9, the flowers are blends of white with a tinge of color,… Click here to read more…
‘Humpback Whale’ Hosta.
We sold out of ‘Humpback Whale’ hosta pretty early this year. Humpback Whale is pretty impressive hosta and this one really hasn’t matured yet because they can get three feet high and 7 feet wide. I’ve also seen photos of them that show them to be a lot more blue than this one. Humpback whale… Click here to read more…
Ice Plant, delosperma
How pretty is that? And it’s a ground hugging perennial that comes back year and year. These plants were new to our nursery last year so Pam and I planted three of them in our landscape at home. Not only did they do really well last year but they wintered perfectly here in cold northern… Click here to read more…
‘Electric Red’ Dianthus
I’ve been working on my perennial bed at the nursery and this Electric Red Dianthus caught my eye and was screaming “make my picture”. So I did! Dianthus in general are great perennials for your garden. They are super winter hardy even here in cold Northern Ohio. For us at the nursery they sell like… Click here to read more…
21 Plants that are Easy to Grow and Sell Like Crazy!
21 Plants that are Easy to Grow and Sell Like Crazy The following 21 plants are really easy to grow and they sell like hot cakes. They always have been really good sellers and they always will be really good sellers. And this list is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to… Click here to read more…
Red Prince Weigela
Red Prince Weigela is one of the best selling plants that I grow. I guess it’s the striking red flowers that attract attention that make it such a great seller. Red Prince grows well in zones 4 through 8. Red Prince loves full sun but it will also tolerate some shade. Rich green leaves really… Click here to read more…
Mountain Fire Piers Japonica
Mountain Fire Piers Japonica is a broad leaf evergreen. This particular variety is famous for the fire red new growth that comes out in the spring, thus the name. Piers Japonica can grow quiet tall, as tall as 8′, they are relatively slow growing and can easily kept to a more manageable size of about… Click here to read more…
Heuchera Coral Bells ‘Fire Alarm’
‘Fire Alarm’ Coral Bells is a beautiful perennial is with reddish orange leaves. It grow small and compact with delicate white flowers on spikes. The average size of this plant is 9″ high by maybe 14″ wide. It is hardy in zone 4 through 8. This plant loves shade, partial shade. It’s probably going to… Click here to read more…
Huechera, Coral Bells ‘Prince’
This dark leaved Coral Bells is a great addition to any garden but especially so if you can place it near plants that are bright in color. These almost midnight leaves a glossy and shiny and look fantastic next to things what bright in color like Rainforest Sunrise Hosta or another bright plant. Heuchera Coral… Click here to read more…
Hosta, ‘Rainforest Sunrise’
This beautiful hosta is a great seller for me. It’s funny because when I mention Hosta to some of my customers they immediately say, “Urgg! I’ve got enough hosta.” That’s because they just don’t know Hostas or how many beautiful and unusual hostas there are out there. Once they see the many different sizes and… Click here to read more…
Dianthus, ‘Appleblossom Burst’
This magnificent little perennial is awesome. At only 8″ high it makes a great border plant, a great accent plant, or it can be used in groupings to really make the blooms pop! If you remove the spent flowers it just keeps making more and more flowers all summer long. This plant is deer resistant… Click here to read more…
Pow Wow White Coneflower
Echinacea p. ‘Pow Wow White’ Large 3 to 4 inch flowers with the golden center make this coneflower a must have for any garden. The pristine what flowers contrast against the dark, compact foliage. This plant loves full sun and does well in partial shade. It’s hardy in zones 3 to 8. Grows about 18… Click here to read more…
Trahlyta Daylily
Hemerocallis ‘Trahlyta’ This beautiful daylily really caught my eye. The flower colors and variegation are amazing. The blooms can be as big as 6.5″ inches across on scapes about 30″ tall. This is a reblooming daylily with delicate foliage. The actual plant is compact and attractive which is what I really like about it. And… Click here to read more…
Lavender Cupcake Butterfly Bush, Buddleia ‘Lavender Cupcake’
This beautiful plant has a rounded, compact habit with flower spikes that can be as long as 12″. Just spectacular! Lavender Cupcake Buddleia is a great addition to any garden because it attracts butterflies like crazy, it’s an amazing pollinator, and hummingbirds love it as well. This plant grows to a size of about 3′… Click here to read more…
Prince Charming Butterfly Bush, Buddlea ‘Prince Charming.
Stunning 10″ long flower spikes make this plant super attractive to both butterflies and humans! This beautiful plant is covered with blooms in mid summer and it remains in bloom for several weeks. This plant is also a great pollinator and attracts Humming Birds like crazy. Hardy in zones 5 through 10. This plant grows… Click here to read more…
Shirobana Spirea, Spiraea japonica ‘Shirobana’
Well . . . this photo says it all. All most all. It’s obvious that Shirobana spirea is beautiful in bloom but the thing that makes it an asset to any garden is the fact that it blooms late in the summer when other things are pretty much done blooming. This is a sun loving… Click here to read more…
Red Hot Poker, Kniphofia, uvaria ‘Red Hot Poker’
This is a fun perennial that does well in poor soil, loves it hot and dry. However, when in bloom it does help to give it some water to support the blooms. This crazy looking, fun perennial does well in zones 5 through 9. It grows to a height of about 36″ and typically blooms… Click here to read more…
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