Weeping plants, like Weeping Japanese maples, have no idea how to grow in an upright fashion. As you’ll see in this movie, if just left to grow on their own they would simply lay on the ground and grow in a horizontal fashion. Sounds crazy doesn’t it? But that’s the beauty of a weeping plant…. Click here to read more…
The Correct or Proper Way to Trim Shrubs.
I made you a movie about trimming shrubs. Enjoy! When pruning shrubs in your landscape it’s important to understand a few things. It really makes no difference when you prune most plants. The plants flat out don’t care and the sooner you prune them, if they need it, the sooner they can be on their… Click here to read more…
How to Prune Flowering Bushes the Easy Way
Here’s a quick lesson on how to easily prune Tango Weigela and other flowering shrubs. I’ve also included a crash-course on how to make softwood cuttings. People All Over the Country Are Getting Paid to Grow Plants Right In Their Own Backyards! It’s Easy to Get Started… Here’s How… The video below shows how nicely… Click here to read more…
Braiding Golden Curls Weeping Willow Trees for Patio Planters.
Golden Curls Willow is a very attractive plant with branches that twist and turn like a pigs tail, but they can get big. One of Our Members, Roger Higgins from Roger’s Backyard Nursery in Cranesville, Pa has a very unusual approach to growing and selling this tree. A late friend of mine discovered and brought… Click here to read more…
Training Arborvitae and other Conical Evergreens to Grow with a Single Leader.
Trees and plants are no different than any other creature on the planet. If you want them to be nice, to act right, you have to train them when they are young. With conical evergreens like Spruce trees, pine tree and upright arborviate it’s important to train them when really young to produce only one… Click here to read more…
Pruning plants in the nursery before winter.
Many of the flowering shrubs that we grow are vigorous growers and we want them to look fantastic when it’s time to sell them. The only way that can happen is if we keep them pruned so they look good. When I’m doing the pruning things get cut back really hard. I mean really hard! … Click here to read more…
How To Prune An Overgrown Japanese Maple Tree
My oldest son, Duston, had this beautiful Japanese Maple Tree in the front of his house. It was there when he moved in. The previous owner really planted it too close to the house. If they would’ve kept a close eye on it and pruned it when necessary, it probably would’ve been fine. But it… Click here to read more…
Tips for Growing and Producing Flowers on Hydrangea
Hydrangea macrophylla, the pink and blue hydrangea are commonly known as Big Leaf or Mophead. Most of these bloom in July or August in either blue or pink, although a few varieties are white. If you have pink blooms and would like them to be blue, simply amend the soil with aluminum sulfate. Your local… Click here to read more…
Tips on Pruning Deciduous Plants
A deciduous plant is a plant that loses it’s leaves during the winter. The opposite of an evergreen. Today I have for you an article, some photos, and a video about pruning deciduous shrubs. Basically you are going to learn why it’s so important to prune on a regular basis, and exactly how much you… Click here to read more…
Summer Pruning Tips
This is my strategy for pruning trees and shrubs around my house during the summer: If they look like they need pruning, then by all means prune them! Yeah, you might cut off a few flower buds if you prune at the wrong time, but it’s small price to pay to have nice looking plants… Click here to read more…
How to Prune a Hibiscus Plant
This is a very sorry tropical hibiscus plant that the deer munched on all summer, I was going to toss it out but decided to try and revitalize it for this project. This photo shows the damage the deer did, the plant never bloomed this year, because the deer ate the ends off all the… Click here to read more…
One Finger Pruning of Weeping Cherries, Japanese Maples and other Grafted Plants.
One finger pruning is one of the most important things you can do for any ornamental plant in your landscape. Many ornamental trees and shrubs are grown using techniques known as grafting and budding. Essentially that means that the desired variety is not grown from a cutting or a seed, but instead a piece of… Click here to read more…
How to Grow Roses-Part 3
How to Grow Roses: Part 3 – Pruning and Winterizing In this last part of the Growing Roses Series, we will be discussing good techniques for keeping your new rose in the best of health. Tools needed: Pruners, loppers and/or saw Sharpener for tools to make sure cuts are clean to promote quick healing Disinfectant… Click here to read more…
How to Trim Grape Vines
We prune our beloved plants to create a more lush plant, higher produce yields and to increase the health of plants. Grape vines are no exception. Keeping the vines pruned keeps them producing higher yields each season, makes the individual bunches of grapes larger, healthier and juicier, and allows air flow and sunlight to penetrate… Click here to read more…
How to Prune Apple Trees
Pruning apple trees is usually best accomplished during late fall or early winter as the tree goes into dormancy. This will let you see better what you are cutting and how each branch you remove affects the look of the tree. Pruning apple trees to keep them healthy and to help make lots of fruit… Click here to read more…
How To Prune a Butterfly Bush
Butterfly bushes are a favorite among many gardeners. The showy, fragrant blooms attract all sorts of beneficial insects to your garden. You may even find a hummingbird or two stopping by to enjoy the nectar inside the tiny flowers. When and how to prune a butterfly bush is a topic that comes up quite a… Click here to read more…
How To Prune Shrubs and Other Landscape Plants
When is the best time to prune shrubs in your landscape? The answer is: When it needs it. Some experts might tell you that you need to wait until winter or early spring to cut back your shrubs or trees. Here at Mike’s Plant Farm, we ignore the calendar and prune as needed. We prune… Click here to read more…
How to Grow & Train Flowering Hydrangea Shrubs into Tree Hydrangeas.
There are a number of different varieties of Hydrangea shrubs that are often grown into tree form. Many people don’t realize that a Tree Hydrangea is actually a Hydrangea shrub that was simply trained to grow as a flowering tree. This is also done with Rose of Sharon, I’ve seen it done with Red Twig… Click here to read more…
When To Prune Japanese Maple Trees
People contact us all the time asking when to prune Japanese maple trees. We believe that there is no wrong time to prune Japanese maple trees (or any other tree, shrub or flower). Certain times are better than others, but it can be done as needed at any time. Prune it when it needs to… Click here to read more…
How to Grow and Trim Japanese Maples.
Crimson Queen is by far one of the most beautiful of the Laceleaf Weeping Japanese maples on the market. However, I see so many of them that are improperly pruned and cared for. It’s not so much that they are improperly pruned, they are not pruned at all. Which is really about the worst kind… Click here to read more…