. . . and guess who the crazy person is? Me. Mike McGroarty. This is what I did that appears to be so crazy, but this is a great lesson in pruning as well as a lesson in Plant Propagation. I bought this one plant last summer and planted it in the yard. My only… Click here to read more…
Pruning Small Plants as You Grow them to Make them Nice and Full, not Lanky.
Mike McGroarty and Two Donkeys Teach You about Pruning Small Plants. This video is really important about pruning small plants as they need it. In this video I am really late getting these plants pruned, I would have been much better off to have pruned most of them at least four weeks ago. That’s how… Click here to read more…
How to Ruin a Japanese Maple Tree.
Why would I Write a Blog Posting about Ruining a Japanese Maple? Because people do it all the time unintentionally. Here’s the deal; “You only know what you know.” That includes me. So my job here is to make sure that all of my followers/subscribers learn things that I know and they may not. Contrary… Click here to read more…
Spring Pruning Tips. Should I Prune Now?
Pruning, pruning, pruning, pruning! When to prune? How to prune? When to prune this? When to prune that? People seem so confused by it all. So in as few words as possible I am going to give you my take on pruning. Hey! Do You Have an Extra Square Foot in Yard?Just One Square Foot? … Click here to read more…
How to Trim Fruit Trees
Trimming fruit trees is not that difficult, nor do you have to be an expert to do a nice job trimming your fruit trees. All you need are the right tools, and a basic understanding of what the tree needs, and what you need as the person who will harvest the fruit. Timing. When is… Click here to read more…
Pruning Purple Sand Cherry
Pruning or Trimming Purple Sand Cherry and growing Sand Cherry from Cuttings. In this video you will see how I cut Purple Sand Cherry in the fall to make sure they grow nice and tight and don’t get thin and spindly. You will also learn how to take all of those clippings and use them to make hardwood… Click here to read more…
Teaching a Lavender Twist Redbud Tree how to be a Tree
I made a movie for you about how to create a beautiful tree like this. The video is below. The Lavender Twist Weeping Redbud tree was discovered and developed by my friend Tim Brotzman of Brotzman’s Nursery in Madison, Ohio. What a spectacular plant! Brotzman’s is wholesale only, please do not contact them trying to… Click here to read more…
How to Prune Roses for Winter
Pruning roses for the winter season is important. Roses have long been a favorite of many gardeners, but the frigid months of north can be detrimental to any plant and roses are no different. As the weather begins to change, so do the needs of the roses we enjoyed over the growing season. Having a strong… Click here to read more…
Training Lavender Twist Redbud
Training Lavender Twist Redbud
Hydrangea Pruning Made Easy
Hydrangea pruning! When is the best time? When is the correct time? I promise to make this easy once and for all. You can grow and sell plants just like this and people will go crazy over them. Getting started is easy. Start right now! Hydrangeas are confusing, to say the least, but in this article,… Click here to read more…
Pruning Rose of Sharon
Pruning trees and shrubs, like this Rose of Sharon, tends to be an intimidating process for many people, but it doesn’t need to be. Knowing when to prune trees and shrubs can take some of the guesswork and concern out of this garden chore. Observing a few simple pruning tips will also make the… Click here to read more…
How To Trim Forsythia
Today I am going to show you How to Trim Forsythia. Here’s an updated photo to show you how well this Forsythia responded to this pruning. Since I pruned it on the video I’ve taken thousands of cuttings from these two plants and pruned them again after taking the cuttings. The above photo is one… Click here to read more…
Pruning Rhododendrons
Here is a video of me pruning rhododendrons
Training Harry Lauder’s Walking Stick To Grow Properly
Training Japanese Maples To Grow Properly
How to Prune a Japanese Maple Tree
Let’s talk about when you should prune your Japanese Maple tree. The ideal time to prune a Japanese Maple tree is as soon as it needs pruning, if you don’t, they get straggly and not that attractive. STEP ONE: Disinfect your tools so you don’t spread disease. Because this is such a small tree, hand… Click here to read more…
When to Prune Hydrangeas
When and how to prune hydrangeas like Endless Summer and other varieties seems to be one of the most confusing issues that gardeners face. Why is that? Conflicting information that’s what the problem is. So in just a moment here I am going to forever set the record straight for you. But first, let’s have… Click here to read more…
Suckers On Grafted Plants!
This is important and I hope to add more to this post in the future. Near the end of this first video you will see first hand how suckers can completely destroy beautiful plants. Sometimes this is difficult for people to understand because they don’t really understand the concept of grafting. I hope these two… Click here to read more…
Trim Your Bushes WAY Back… Part 2
More than three years later, here’s what that burning bush looks like now…
Pruning Japanese Maple Trees
Find out when to prune Japanese maples here.