This is a great project for your children. Get them involved so they can see first hand how recycling works. Online buying is now bigger than ever and I really don’t see that changing anytime soon. The postmaster told me that package delivery within the post office is up six times over this time last… Click here to read more…
Organic Weed Control, an Alternative to Chemical Herbicides.
This is a confusing topic and a great deal of mis-information is out there about organic weed control. So let’s start with the basics. Weeds typically show up in your yard because by any number of means weed seed ended up in your yard. Maybe birds, mostly the wind. Weed seeds need just a few… Click here to read more…
How to Get Rid of Yucca.
I get this question a lot . . . “Mike, how in the world do you get rid of Yucca?” Yucca have roots that go really deep into the ground so when you dig them out it’s unlikely that you are going to get all of the roots and new plants will sprout up from… Click here to read more…
A Weed Free Vegetable Garden!
My neighbor Richard is awesome and he let me use his garden for this presentation. Last fall I helped Richard pack his garden with donkey manure and other compost from my compost pile. We put at least two or three ton of manure and compost into his garden. Then I tilled it in with the… Click here to read more…
Know How to Identify Poison Ivy Before It’s Too Late!
A lot of people get confused about what is and what isn’t poison ivy. So I’m going to give you some tips on how to identify poison ivy because there’s a couple things you need to know. One, if you’re allergic, like I am, you barely have to touch it to get poison ivy. Two,… Click here to read more…
How to Apply Preemergent Herbicide
Preemergent herbicides are designed for application before the targeted weed germinates, and are an effective preventative method for controlling weeds. People always ask me what type of preemergent herbicide I use and I tell then Snapshot DG. You’re only going to find this at a place that sells to nurseries. I would check AM Leonard… Click here to read more…
How to Get Rid of Creeping Charlie
Creeping Charlie weed is a green vine whose leaves are round with scalloped edges and has a small purple flower. Tools Needed to get rid of Creeping Charlie: Before beginning removal, let the creeping charlie grow slightly high. The best time to get rid of Creeping Charlie is after a good rain. Step 1: Using… Click here to read more…
The Step by Step Guide to Making a Weed Free Flower or Perennial Garden.
Nothing can add more Pizazz to your yard than a beautiful flower and or perennial garden. As long as it is weed free and you can keep it that way. Here’s a step by step guide to making that happen. Step one. Site location. Unless you are creating a garden of shade loving flowers, you’ll… Click here to read more…
Is Roundup Safe to Use or Not?
Obviously this article is about Roundup and whether or not it’s safe to use around your home or farm. But first . . . I am asking for your support because . . . I am about to be slammed to the ground, kicked, punched and pummeled with rocks just for writing this. I have… Click here to read more…
How to Get Rid of Wild Morning Glory.
It doesn’t have to be just morning glory. Any weed or vine type of plant (weed) that is growing in your landscaping or flower beds that is causing problems can be eliminated without a great deal of difficulty. Wild Morning Glory Elimination. First things first. Let’s understand that all weeds are plants, living things. In… Click here to read more…
What Kills Poison Ivy?
It is estimated that almost 85% of people have some type of allergic reaction to poison ivy. Poison ivy contains a clear liquid called urushiol that is found in all parts of the plant. The urushiol is responsible for the itchy, blistering reaction that poison ivy is famous for. Some people have mild reactions… Click here to read more…
How to Get Rid of and or Control Weeds.
Weeds are by far one of the biggest challenges that gardeners face. But it doesn’t have to be that way and I promise to show you how to get a handle on weeds and keep them under control forever with a few simple steps. What it takes to make a weed happy. Mike! Are you… Click here to read more…
How to Control Creeping Charlie
While there are plenty of people out there who know that Creeping Charlie is a menace to society, there are also a large number of people out there who think it is just another weed in the yard. It is only after a few weeks of hard work and trying to remove this weed that… Click here to read more…
How to Get Rid of Poison Ivy
I often get asked how to get rid of poison ivy. And because I’ve got a situation on my property that has a really good stand of poison ivy that I have to deal with, I made you a video. A while back I showed you How to Identify Poison Ivy. This video is all… Click here to read more…
Weed Control Facts
I wrote an article about Weed Barrier Fabric and lots and lots of people said; “Hey Mike, if weed control fabric isn’t good, how do we control weeds? So here’s the low down on weeds and how they think. Think about weeds and what they need. They need water, nutrition, and sunlight to thrive. Since… Click here to read more…
Weed Barrier Fabric or Weed Barrier Cloth? Does it work?
In my opinion, and I have plenty of experience to back it up, weed barrier fabrics and weed barrier cloths do not work! How about black plastic? Black plastic doesn’t work either. I’ve spent most of my life working in the landscaping industry. I’ve landscaped well over 500 homes. Many of those were re-landscapes. In way too… Click here to read more…
How To Identify Poison Ivy
Wanted: People Who Want to Get Paid to Grow Plants from Home! I hope you enjoy and learn from my Poison Ivy Video. My new property has more than it’s fair share of Poison Ivy and I am highly allergic. This is going to be a challenge, but I’m not one to be deterred easily… Click here to read more…