In this article I want to talk about the simplicity of growing, propagating, dividing and selling Hosta varieties from home. There is an insane amount of different kinds of Hosta varieties and they are a great item to grow and sell because people love Hosta, they do well in shady situations and there are a… Click here to read more…
Homemade, permanent plant tags.
Don’t get all worked up over the quality of this image, I clipped it from the video that is posted below. In short, Roger Higgins from Roger’s Backyard Nursery in Cranesville, Pa makes these homemade plant tags out of used Pepsi cans. I often use Aluminum Plant Tags in my nursery because they are very… Click here to read more…
The Donkey Chronicles. Mike McGroarty and his miniature donkeys.
Many of our subscribers love the donkeys, some I’m sure think it’s dumb and waste of time. But for those of you who love them, this page is for you. Mike McGroarty and Finnegan Swapping Spit? View the page here. The donkeys running for president? View that page here.
Growing Seeds, Winter Sowing, in Milk Jugs and Kitty Litter Jugs.
Meet Roger Higgins from Roger’s Backyard Nursery in Cranesville, Pa. Every one of those plastic jugs next to Roger contains seeds. Some are perennial seeds, some might be Dogwood Seeds, maybe some Japanese maple seeds. Some of the jugs are milk jugs, the bigger jugs are kitty litter jugs. If you look closely Roger has… Click here to read more…
How to Buy and Resell Raspberries, Blueberries and other Fruit Plants from Home.
Fruit crops have always been hot sellers but today the demand is stronger than ever! Today I’d like to introduce you to One of Our Members from Edinboro, Pennsylvania, my go to person for blueberries and raspberries. Cathy Ward is the owner of Genesis Backyard Nursery. 7408 Sherrod Hill Road Edinboro, Pa I’ve have been… Click here to read more…
The Correct Way to Pot Rooted Cuttings, Nursery Stock Liners and other Plants.
This article includes both still photos and a movie. When potting small plants it’s easy to make the mistake of potting them too deeply or fertilizing them with the wrong kind of fertilizer. Or even using a poor grade of potting soil. In this example I am potting a rooted cutting which is basically a… Click here to read more…
Mike McGroarty Swapping Spit with a Donkey.
See the video below. I know that we have people who really, really love Finnegan and Fergus so we try and include them in our shenanigans as often as possible. Once a day I grab a five gallon bucket to sit on and and I take a few moments to feed them crackers. Fergus is… Click here to read more…
Training Arborvitae and other Conical Evergreens to Grow with a Single Leader.
Trees and plants are no different than any other creature on the planet. If you want them to be nice, to act right, you have to train them when they are young. With conical evergreens like Spruce trees, pine tree and upright arborviate it’s important to train them when really young to produce only one… Click here to read more…
How to Propagate, Root Cuttings, of Dwarf Alberta Spruce.
Dwarf Alberta Spruce is a hot seller! Doesn’t look like much sitting on that tree stump does it? Believe it or not, small Dwarf Alberta Spruce that size are in high demand on the wholesale market! Growers all over are constantly looking for them from 2″ to 4′. One of the first plants that I… Click here to read more…
How to Over Winter Ornamental Grasses in Containers.
Recently Duston and I traveled to Roger’s Backyard Nursery in Cranesville, Pa, only about a 37 mile drive for us and took a tour of Roger’s Backyard Nursery. Roger is One of Our Members. He showed us why he is successful over winter ornamental grasses when others are not. In the photo you can see… Click here to read more…
Offering Landscape Design, Landscape Consultation to Your Nursery Customers.
Recently this came up in Our Members Area so I thought I’d share the conversation here for a couple of reasons. I want you to know the quality of information exchanged in our members area on a regular basis. This is really good information and a great way for a person with knowledge of plants… Click here to read more…
Things to Do in and Around Cleveland, Ohio and Northeast Ohio.
Want to visit Mike’s Plant Farm in Perry, Ohio? Make it a vacation! Mike’s Plant Farm is located in the far northeastern corner of Ohio, about one mile from beautiful Lake Erie. If you plan on visiting this area there are a ton of things to do and see around here and my goal with… Click here to read more…
How to Make a Backyard Greenhouse with Four Hula-Hoops.
Crazy right? Hula-Hoops? This video is informative, it’s creative, it’s useful and it is funnier than all get out. And it’s short! Take a peek. So there you have it, the Hula-Hoop Greenhouse and this thing can be used for veggies or For Rooting Cuttings in the Summer.
Start a Garden Club at Work!
Start your own garden club at work! It’s easy. Just find other people that share your interest in gardening and invite them into your club. Create a group on Facebook where you can share your interests and ideas. Trade plants, trade seeds, share landscaping ideas, seed growing tips, cutting growing tips. Bring your group to… Click here to read more…
How to Grow Perennials from Seed.
Growing Perennials from Seed is Easy. Rule number one. Only grow perennials that are hardy in your zone. You can buy perennial seeds online, just make sure that you know what plant hardiness zone you are in and buy only seeds rated for your zone. Zone map for the United States: Zone map for… Click here to read more…
Gardening in January No Matter Where You Live!
Single digits here in Ohio this week! Brrrrrr. Both the plants and the Donkeys are Doing Fine. The donkeys stay in their little shelter house during the day, it’s pretty open but it keeps the wind off of them. Then at nighttime they check into Their Little Semi Underground Bedroom. The plants? The plants are… Click here to read more…
Putting up a Building in Five Hours!
We were running out of room at the nursery and decided to add an extra storage building that we intend to Use to Pack and Ship Small Plants, Liners and Rooted Cuttings. We have a local company run by an Amish Family that builds all kinds of outdoor storage buildings and this is the second… Click here to read more…
Which Boxwood Makes a Nice Low Growing Hedge?
To the best of my recollection, the Boxwood plants used to make this entry way sign at our local high school are Buxus ‘Wintergreen’ also known as Korean Boxwood. ‘Wintergreen Boxwood is one of the best Boxwood’s to use as a low hedge like we did here to spell out the word Perry. This planting… Click here to read more…
Thank you Tim and Patty!
Tim and Patty (“Cookie”), thank you so much for thinking of us at this time of the year. But mostly, thanks for being part of our Backyard Growers Family! Folks, I’m sharing this for a couple of reasons. All of Our Members are like family to me. Words cannot even begin to explain why. Timothy… Click here to read more…
The Little Yellow Dog.
In October we lost our little yellow dog. She was 14 years old. We loved her to death and I wanted her to be buried at the nursery, Near the Donkeys. We bought her a grave marker and I had a sign made that hangs on the fence by her grave. I’ll post a photo… Click here to read more…
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