Dappled Willow, Hakuro Nishiki, is a great plant to grow and sell for a number of reasons. One, they are extremely colorful and eye catching in the early spring. They grow fast and make an excellent privacy screen. They also do well in wet areas. They do well in full sun or partial shade and… Click here to read more…
Search Results for: hardwood cuttings
Hardwood Cuttings, Winter of 2015/2016.
Hardwood cuttings are cuttings that are done during the winter months when the wood that you use to make the cuttings is hard and not pliable. See this for a Detailed Explanation of How to Do Hardwood Cuttings. Couple of days ago I was looking at this post about Proper Nursery Plant Tagging and on… Click here to read more…
Unrooted Hardwood Cuttings for Sale.
Crazy right? Getting paid to sell sticks? It’s true, in Our Members Area sticks are a hot, hot, hot commodity in November, December and January. Some members sell thousands and thousands of them. The look like sticks, but they are really valuable, Unrooted Hardwood Cuttings. One of the easiest ways to propagate plants is during… Click here to read more…
Hardwood Cuttings, Softwood Cuttings, Plant Selling Success.
This is from our “Mondays with Mike” Series. Of February 2nd of 2014 I posted This about Doing Hardwood Cuttings in the Dead of Winter. Beautiful winter photos, bitter cold! It got down to -15 degrees F. here in Ohio and we had many other days well below zero. How in the world can you… Click here to read more…
How to Root Purple Sandcherry, prunus cistena from Hardwood Cuttings.
Purple Flowering Sandcherry, prunus cistena, is an extremely popular flowering shrub. Covered with tiny pinkish white blooms in the spring and deep purple leaves all summer long make this an all time favorite shrub. But unlike many flowering flowering shrubs, this one is a bit tricky to propagate from softwood cuttings. The softwood cuttings fail… Click here to read more…
How to Propagate Grapes from Hardwood Cuttings.
Grape plants are easy to propagate from cuttings. Most of the time they are done during the winter months when the plants are dormant. Cuttings taken in the late fall and winter are known as hardwood cuttings because just as it sounds, the wood is much harder during the fall and winter than it is… Click here to read more…
How to Grow Weeping Pussy Willow from Cuttings.
This is one hot item that I never see available in Our Members Area, and usually just about every plant imaginable is available in our members are at deep wholesale prices. This is an item that would sell like crazy! I picked up a Weeping Pussy Willow from a local wholesale growers a couple of… Click here to read more…
Rooted Cuttings. Heeling them in, storing them until you can get them potted. When to fertilize them.
Human beings love to take simple things and make them as complicated as possible! My job as your gardening/growing mentor is to get you back to the basics so you can focus on what works and get more done. There are a lot of different ideas about how to go about any given task, but… Click here to read more…
Growing, Rooting and Propagating Dappled Willow in Tree Form from Cuttings.
The easiest and most predictable way to grow Dapple Willow, Salix integra ‘Hakuro Nishiki’, from cuttings is to do them as Hardwood Cuttings in the Winter. They can be done as Softwood Cuttings in the Summer, but that can be a bit tricky. But as hardwood cuttings they are very easy to root. Plants in… Click here to read more…
Rooting Cuttings in December and January.
It’s really cold and snowy here in northern Ohio in December so that means no gardening right? Wrong! Here’s at Mike’s Plant Farm we have been crazy busy making and sticking cuttings. Indoors right? Nope! Outside. The bed on left are cuttings Hardwood Cuttings that we’ve stuck between November 15th and December 10th. These are… Click here to read more…
Growing Hydrangeas from Cuttings in the Fall or Winter.
I am writing this article on election day, November 8th, 2016. Don’t forget to vote for the Donkeys, they are Running for President! The plants right in front of Cathy are Annabelle Hydrangea. We stuck those cuttings last November, potted them up in late June and I took this photo in October. They bloomed like… Click here to read more…
Growing Roses from Cuttings in the Fall.
Basically there are two ways, two different times of the year to grow roses from cuttings. Softwood Cutting Season begins in June and continues through the summer. By fall the wood hardens off and you have to do things a bit differently, You have to Apply Hardwood Cutting Strategies. Let’s keep things simple and put… Click here to read more…
Dwarf Alberta Spruce, growing them from cuttings and caring for them.
Dwarf Alberta Spruce is an awesome little evergreen that stays small and only grows a few inches per year. Yes, they can get five or six feet tall, but it takes a long time and with one annual pruning you can keep them to the size you want. This is plant that I have been… Click here to read more…
Pulling Rooted Cuttings from the Sand Propagation Bed.
“Normal” rooted cutting harvesting. Normally you stick Softwood Cuttings in June and they are rooted in four to eight weeks. If you remove them from the bed right away you can do so without doing any root damage, so it’s okay to remove them during the growing season. You can simply dip your hand in… Click here to read more…
Annabelle Hydrangea Propagation, How to Root Cuttings
Looking for a plant to grow and sell that is crazy popular, super easy to grow and sells like hotcakes? Annabelle Hydrangea is that plant. People love Annabelle Hydrangea because of the great big snowball type blooms. The Hydrangea that never fails to bloom. Annabelle never fails to bloom because unlike many other hydrangeas,… Click here to read more…
How to Grow from Cuttings
THE SIMPLEST WAY TO GROW FROM CUTTINGS If you have a tree or plant you wish to clone, look no further. This method is uncomplicated and quite easy to do. Materials needed: · Healthy cutting from a tree of your choice · Potting soil or local soil or an equal mixture of both · One… Click here to read more…
Making Cuttings with the Grandkids.
Mondays with Mike. This week . . . Donkeys. Since we shot this videos the Donkeys have a greatly expanded pen and lots of new grass to eat. They’re happy. I no longer have to tie them out so they can eat a little grass. Just getting ready to stick cuttings. Trying out the grand… Click here to read more…
Rooted Cuttings. How to pot and or plant them, how, when, how often and how much to prune them.
Rooting cuttings is easy, I’ve been teaching people how to do it online since 1999. But once the cuttings are rooted how do care for them? How do you plant or pot them? When should they be first pruned? All great questions that folks have. People get all caught up in the process of rooting… Click here to read more…
How to Root Hundreds if not Thousands of Cuttings at One Time.
What I am about to share with you is a bit of an industry secret. But what I want you to really grasp is that this system will work for just a few cuttings, or in our case we do tens of thousands of cuttings at time using this very simple, yet incredibly effect system…. Click here to read more…
How to Grow Roses from Cuttings.
It is easier than you think to propagate and grow roses from cuttings. As with all plant propagation it’s all about timing and technique and timing is usually more important than technique. (Note: Did you notice that there are two different kinds of bees in that rose bloom? Just thought I’d point that out.)… Click here to read more…
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