This is an actual ad from the Buy/Sell Area of Our Members Area. I am posting it here just to give you an idea what what the ads in Our Buy/Sell Area actually look like and what kind of deals you can find there. I am posting it here just to give you an idea… Click here to read more…
Mini Skirt Hosta PP26743
See the PP26743 after the name of this neat little hosta? That means that this plant is patented and you can I are not allowed to propagate this hosta, even if for our own yard. But don’t let the plant patent scare you off. Just because we can’t propagate plants like this we can still… Click here to read more…
Sunsation Magnolia
My neighbor Richard gave me several Magolias this spring. They were all young plants but this ‘Sunsation’ bloomed like crazy despite it’s small size. Things you should know about ‘Sunsation’ Magnolia . . . The blooms are a striking, beautiful yellow color. This ornamental tree is hardy in zones 5 thru 9. It blooms in… Click here to read more…
Sadie’s Delight Japanese Maple.
This wonderful little tree was given to me by one of our long time members Janice Meyers. Janice grew hundreds of Japanese maples from seed and this one just stood out as very unique. So she named it after her mother Sadie. Janice hung on to it for some time but then she was getting… Click here to read more…
22 Edible Plants You Can Grow and Sell From Home
This information was shared in our Members Area by one of our members in Shelton, Washington, Andrea Bichsel of Hammersley Inlet Farm & Nursery. Andrea put this list together for our members. She’s in zone 8, so you might have to find varieties that are more suited if you are in a colder zone like… Click here to read more…
Growing, Selling and Propagating non Patented Heuchera, also known as Coral Bells.
Dollar for dollar Coral Bells, also known as Heuchera is by far one of the best plants you can put in your landscape because they are easy to care for and add year round color to the landscape. And they can be pricey, I’ve seen one gallons priced as high as $14.00 in a big… Click here to read more…
Growing, Selling and Propagating Rhododendrons.
Here’s the thing about Rhododendrons. 1. I honestly believe they could make a motivated grower fairly wealthy. Nobody is growing them, especially in zone 4! 2. Rooting them is tricky and best done over bottom heat in the winter. Warm roots, cool tops, 45 degrees or lower. They hate wet feet, they hate heavy soil. … Click here to read more…
Growing and Selling Heuchera, Coral Bells.
Looking for a plant that is beautiful, easy to care for and will add some sparkle to just about any landscape? Heuchera it is! Commonly known as Coral Bells. These are just some of the Heuchera that we have at the nursery and we sell a ton of them. They are extremely popular and rightfully… Click here to read more…
Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangea, Hydrangea paniculata ‘Renhy’
This is a panicle hydrangea, in the P.G. Hyrdrangea family. P.G. means paniculata grandifloria P.G. Hydrangeas are Often Trained into Tree Form so I’m sure the same can be done with Vanilla Strawberry. Hardy in zones 3 to 8 this plant has pretty wide appeal across the U.S. It grows from a height of 6′… Click here to read more…
Waterfall Japanese Maple.
Wow! That’s what I say every time I see one of these spectacular trees. Waterfall Japanese maple, also known as Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Waterfall’ is a spectacular specimen plant for any yard. Being a weeping Japanese maple ‘Waterfall’ does not grow tall, most that I see are less than 48″ tall but quite wide. The… Click here to read more…
Purple Ghost Japanese Maple, Acer palmatum ‘Purple Ghost’.
A few years ago I went absolute crazy buying small Japanese maples. I bought thousands of them! We planted them in beds, in rows, we planted them everywhere. Today I only have one bed left in the ground and it has some of the most amazing Japanese maples you can imagine. I knew that I… Click here to read more…
Growing, Selling and Propagating Creeping Phlox.
Creeping Phlox is easy to grow, easy to propagate and sells like crazy! We potted the phlox in this pot last summer and they over wintered perfectly and bloomed like crazy this spring. Creeping Phlox can be propagated in the early spring via division, simply dig up a clump and separate the roots into small… Click here to read more…
Growing, Selling and Propagating Patented Coral Bells also called Heuchera.
There are all kinds of truly awesome Huechera on the market, but many of the most Desired Ones are Patented, which makes it illegal to propagate them without entering into a legal agreement with the patent holder. That involves a license fee and guarantee that you will produce a certain amount every year. Licenses usually… Click here to read more…
Growing, Rooting and Propagating Dappled Willow in Tree Form from Cuttings.
The easiest and most predictable way to grow Dapple Willow, Salix integra ‘Hakuro Nishiki’, from cuttings is to do them as Hardwood Cuttings in the Winter. They can be done as Softwood Cuttings in the Summer, but that can be a bit tricky. But as hardwood cuttings they are very easy to root. Plants in… Click here to read more…
Growing, Propagating, Dividing and Selling Hostas for Profit.
In this article I want to talk about the simplicity of growing, propagating, dividing and selling Hosta varieties from home. There is an insane amount of different kinds of Hosta varieties and they are a great item to grow and sell because people love Hosta, they do well in shady situations and there are a… Click here to read more…
How to Buy and Resell Raspberries, Blueberries and other Fruit Plants from Home.
Fruit crops have always been hot sellers but today the demand is stronger than ever! Today I’d like to introduce you to One of Our Members from Edinboro, Pennsylvania, my go to person for blueberries and raspberries. Cathy Ward is the owner of Genesis Backyard Nursery. 7408 Sherrod Hill Road Edinboro, Pa I’ve have been… Click here to read more…
Which Boxwood Makes a Nice Low Growing Hedge?
To the best of my recollection, the Boxwood plants used to make this entry way sign at our local high school are Buxus ‘Wintergreen’ also known as Korean Boxwood. ‘Wintergreen Boxwood is one of the best Boxwood’s to use as a low hedge like we did here to spell out the word Perry. This planting… Click here to read more…
Achillea ‘Saucy Seduction’ common name ‘Saucy Seduction’ Yarrow. PP20782
This deer resistant perennial is an excellent addition to any garden. This perennial is extremely hardy in zones 4 to 8 and loves sun. They start blooming in early summer and bloom right on into fall. They get 18″ to 24″ tall but what we do is let them flush out in the spring, then… Click here to read more…
Enchanted Eve Coreopsis, commonly known as Tickseed.
Here at Mike’s Plant Farm in Perry, Ohio we root tens of thousands of cuttings. Mostly flowering shrubs but we also do some evergreens as well. But in addition to that I buy plugs from wholesale suppliers that we can grow on and resell at a nice profit. I share my wholesale sources with Our… Click here to read more…
Blue Rug Juniper! Growing them, propagating them and using them in a landscape design.
Blue Rug Juniper, Juniperus horizontalis ‘Wiltonii’ This an absolutely awesome plant to grow, sell or use in a landscape design. They are hardy, tough as nails, will grow in just about any kind of soil and they do well in zones 3-9. How’s that for adaptability? When I was landscaping and re-landscaping homes I put no… Click here to read more…