Here’s a great low-glycemic, zero-calorie, healthy sugar replacement that you can grow yourself! Sweetleaf (Stevia Rebaudiana) is a native of South America and has been used for 1,500 years to sweeten food, tea, and medicines. Step 1- Buy a Stevia plant Nursery grown stevia plants are sold for their especially sweet leaves. I bought mine from… Click here to read more…
How to Grow Tomatoes
SIMPLEST WAY TO GROW TOMATOES OF ALL TYPES Materials needed: · An over ripe tomato of any type that was bought from the store or seeds from your local nursery · Organic potting soil to mix with your yard soil (optional) · Water · 3-4 inch pot for the first transplant (optional) · six gallon… Click here to read more…
Complete Guide to Soil pH Testing
Soil pH is very important for optimum plant growth. The term pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline a substance is, in this case, the soil. It ranges from 1.0-14.0, with 7.0 being called neutral. The lower the number the higher the acidity. The higher the number the more alkaline, or less acidic,… Click here to read more…
DIY Sawbuck Bench
How To Build A Folding Sawbuck Bench A sawbuck bench makes it easier to cut long pieces of wood by getting the wood at an ideal height off the ground. This article shows you how to build a sawbuck bench that folds for easier storage. TOOLS What tools you will need: Saw (power or hand)… Click here to read more…
How to Create a Hydroponic Garden
Hydroponics is simply growing plants in water without soil. In commercial settings liquid nutrients are utilized for this style of growing plants. This is a step by step guide for creating a very simple and extremely effective hydroponic garden system. You can use this system to create a miniature indoor hydroponic garden or to propagate… Click here to read more…
DIY Raspberry Trellis
Raspberries will grow happily without any support at all, but having a raspberry trellis /support system makes gardening easier for you! If left to their own devices, raspberries will form an arching plant about 7 to 9 feet tall. Making a support keeps these plants neat and tidy, enables easy walking between rows, and makes… Click here to read more…
How to Amend Clay Soil
Clay soil can be black or red, is as fine as dust, and is hard for plants to move through. Clay soil is waterlogged in wet months and rock hard in summer. If water does reach a plant’s roots, the plant will drown because water can’t escape. This is called root rot. Clay soil does… Click here to read more…
How to Start a Bonsai Tree
Bonsai is a living miniature tree that will increase in beauty as it matures, with proper care from you. With this step by step guide, I will teach you how to start a bonsai tree. You will want to select a tree with a little character already. The trees you purchase will most likely have… Click here to read more…
DIY Self-Watering Planters
DIY Self-Watering Planters There are probably about as many different shapes, sizes, and variations of self-watering planters as there are plants to put in those planters. Most have some form of a water reservoir, fill pipe, and overflow tube or hole. I chose to use 5 gallon buckets because they are easy to find and… Click here to read more…
How to Grow Roses
This will be part one of a three part series on how to grow roses. We will cover all bases from planting, to pruning, to wintering. Sometimes people are fearful about growing roses because of the rumor that they are difficult to care for and take a tremendous amount of time and chemicals to produce… Click here to read more…
How to Build a Standing Raised Garden Bed
The base of a raised garden bed is on the ground and its soil sits directly on the ground, whereas the bed of a standing garden bed is on legs and its soil sits on a wooden or other material base. The benefit of a standing garden bed is that you can work it without… Click here to read more…
How to Care for your Holiday Plants
The holidays are here and to put our office in the festive spirit, we purchased a few holiday plants. Poinsettias and a Norfolk Island Pine (I named him Hermie). They sure are beautiful to look at and we would like to keep them that way! Dressed for the season, this lively little pine looks native… Click here to read more…
How to Grow an Indoor Herb Garden
How to Grow an Indoor Herb Garden Whether you start your herbs from seeds or purchase a growing plant, you will find much satisfaction from having your own indoor herb garden. Most herbs are easily sowed from seed, so there is little that needs to be done to cause germination. I started this sage and… Click here to read more…
DIY Straw Bale Gardening
Straw bale gardening gives you advantages over growing a garden in the conventional way. Straw, as it decomposes, often provides better nutrients, and a better growing medium than your soil. If you don’t have enough space, straw bales are an ideal way to grow in small spaces like on a patio, deck or balcony. Straw… Click here to read more…
How to Can Tomatoes From Your Garden
How to can tomatoes from your garden. Canning is one of the most popular ways to preserve delicious, garden fresh tomatoes. Assemble the following tools: Large canning pot with jar rack (also called a canner). A very large stock pot that will allow room for the jars to be covered by at least 2 inches… Click here to read more…
Saving Winter Damaged Plants
In case you were wondering . . . Mother Nature is in charge. Always! This past winter was pretty brutal in many parts of the United States with temperatures dipping much lower than normal. Here in Ohio we typically see days in the single digits during January and February, but it’s usually only a few… Click here to read more…
How Does Garlic Grow?
How does garlic grow? Pretty effortlessly, if you ask me. Just give it some sun, a little water and watch it go. Years ago my husband and I took a trip to Raven, Virginia to visit his grandparents. Like most people that lived on top of the mountain, Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw Ball had a very,… Click here to read more…
Important Spring Gardening Tips.
It’s that time of the year when everybody want to get out into the yard and clean up after winter. It’s also the time of the year that we visit our local garden stores. Walking through a garden store is a lot like walking down the midway at the county fair. There are sights, sounds,… Click here to read more…
Planting Blueberry Bushes
Edible landscape plants are quickly becoming the hottest thing in gardening. We are seeing a real trend with homeowners who are moving away from the traditional ornamental landscaping and opting for plants that provide food as well as beauty. Blueberry bushes, with their antioxidant-rich berries and spectacular fall foliage, are becoming one of the most… Click here to read more…
When To Plant Strawberries
Strawberries are the first fruit to ripen in the spring. For me, nothing says sunshine like a juicy, red strawberry freckled with seeds. Strawberries are one of the most commonly found plants in backyard gardens. They are grown in every state in the United States and all provinces of Canada. Store bought strawberries fail in… Click here to read more…