DIY Bird House Step 1: Gather the required materials and tools. Materials: – Seven lengths cut from a 1” x 6” cedar board (actual dimensions 5/8” by 5 1/2” – see note below) to create the following panels (see illustration below): — Two 8” panels (8” x 5 1/2”) — One 8” panel (8” x… Click here to read more…
How to Kill Bermuda Grass Organically
How to Kill Bermuda Grass Organically Bermuda grass is a warm season grass that spreads by underground roots that slowly creep in all directions. It can be very difficult to remove and many commercial companies and homeowners will use chemicals to kill it before removal. There are however some organic approaches to removal of Bermuda… Click here to read more…
DIY Pallet Trellis
How to Turn a Pallet into a Trellis A trellis is simply a devise that allows plant vines to grow vertically instead of growing along the ground. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or expensive to build, just use things found around the house or yard that will support the weight of the plant,… Click here to read more…
Make a Raised Garden Bed Out of Pallets
MATERIALS NEEDED Pallet: look for a pallet that has at least 4 intact boards (the more the better in case of splitting while prying) that are held on by no more than about 6 nails each. This will make it easier to pry the boards loose. Also, make sure your pallet is free from any… Click here to read more…
How to Grow a Stevia Plant
Here’s a great low-glycemic, zero-calorie, healthy sugar replacement that you can grow yourself! Sweetleaf (Stevia Rebaudiana) is a native of South America and has been used for 1,500 years to sweeten food, tea, and medicines. Step 1- Buy a Stevia plant Nursery grown stevia plants are sold for their especially sweet leaves. I bought mine from… Click here to read more…
How to Propagate Mums
How to Propagate Mums Chrysanthemums refer to a genus of flowering plants with great genetic diversity. The Chrysanthemum was widely grown in China during the 15th century B.C. as a flowering herb. Stories recount that the boiled roots were used as a headache remedy, the leaves were used as a drink in festivities, and the… Click here to read more…
Propagation Techniques for Landscape Plants
I am going to give you suggested propagation techniques for a variety of different landscape plants. Arborvitae: Cuttings taken in mid to late summer can be rooted in coarse sand under intermittent mist. Cuttings taken in the fall can be rooted in coarse sand in an outdoor frame. Cuttings taken during the winter can be… Click here to read more…
How to Grow a Citrus Tree from Seed
You can grow a citrus tree from a seed anytime of the year, though summer is best. Most fruit trees are best grown from grafted trees for quicker fruiting. Lemons, grapefruit, lime, tangerine, orange etc. are easily grown with great results. Sprout and grow a seed from a great-tasting specimen and there is a chance… Click here to read more…
How to Grow Tomatoes
SIMPLEST WAY TO GROW TOMATOES OF ALL TYPES Materials needed: · An over ripe tomato of any type that was bought from the store or seeds from your local nursery · Organic potting soil to mix with your yard soil (optional) · Water · 3-4 inch pot for the first transplant (optional) · six gallon… Click here to read more…
How to Grow from Cuttings
THE SIMPLEST WAY TO GROW FROM CUTTINGS If you have a tree or plant you wish to clone, look no further. This method is uncomplicated and quite easy to do. Materials needed: · Healthy cutting from a tree of your choice · Potting soil or local soil or an equal mixture of both · One… Click here to read more…
How to Prune a Hibiscus Plant
This is a very sorry tropical hibiscus plant that the deer munched on all summer, I was going to toss it out but decided to try and revitalize it for this project. This photo shows the damage the deer did, the plant never bloomed this year, because the deer ate the ends off all the… Click here to read more…
Conversations from the Backyard Growers Business Center
People often wonder, “What is this Backyard Growers Business Center?” Then they exclaim, “I’m just interested in growing plants, not selling them.” Well it’s not all that stuffy and formidable. The members of the Backyard Growers Business Center are growers who help each other out. The more experienced old-timers, (and young-timers) are eager to help… Click here to read more…
How to Grow an Avocado Tree From Seed
After eating your favorite avocado, don’t throw the seed away! Grow a beautiful decorative houseplant or even your own avocado tree following these simple steps. Materials needed: · Avocado pit/seed · Small, clear bottle in order to see the roots grow · Water · toothpicks STEP 1 Remove the large pit/seed inside the avocado. STEP… Click here to read more…
Complete Guide to Soil pH Testing
Soil pH is very important for optimum plant growth. The term pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline a substance is, in this case, the soil. It ranges from 1.0-14.0, with 7.0 being called neutral. The lower the number the higher the acidity. The higher the number the more alkaline, or less acidic,… Click here to read more…
One Finger Pruning of Weeping Cherries, Japanese Maples and other Grafted Plants.
One finger pruning is one of the most important things you can do for any ornamental plant in your landscape. Many ornamental trees and shrubs are grown using techniques known as grafting and budding. Essentially that means that the desired variety is not grown from a cutting or a seed, but instead a piece of… Click here to read more…
How to Get Rid of Slugs in Your Garden
If you love Hostas, you also know the damage caused by slugs. Besides eating large holes in all the pretty leaves they also leave long silver slime trails as they move across the leaves feeding. Here are four simple home-made traps to show you how to get rid of slugs in your garden. There is… Click here to read more…
Growing Grapes
Why am I posting about this now? Because in Ohio, it is time to prune your grape vines! Plant your cuttings in the spring to grow more grape vines! Like most plants, grape vines really like rich soil that is fairly well drained. However, they will grow well in soils heavier than most ornamental plants… Click here to read more…
Is Burning Bush Really an Invasive Species?
This is confusing and to a degree it’s almost political. In some states Burning Bush are on the invasive species list which I really don’t understand, but they are. But in most states, it is not the Burning Bush that we all know that are on those lists. The Burning Bush that is on invasive… Click here to read more…
DIY Sawbuck Bench
How To Build A Folding Sawbuck Bench A sawbuck bench makes it easier to cut long pieces of wood by getting the wood at an ideal height off the ground. This article shows you how to build a sawbuck bench that folds for easier storage. TOOLS What tools you will need: Saw (power or hand)… Click here to read more…
Simple Bat House Plans
Why would anyone want to build a bat house? Because bats are the primary predator of those annoying, flying nighttime insects like mosquitoes, moths and beetles. One bat can eat thousands of insects in one evening! And if you build a bat house for them, they will stay out of your chimneys, rafters and attics. … Click here to read more…
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